John Brooks

John Brooks

Apr 2021 – Georgia Voting Law

Thoughts for the evening:  Georgia Law – what’s really there? I’ll leave the border crisis alone tonight, despite the new report that Texas Rangers are forcing their way into one of the Fed-controlled migrant juvenile facilities today after multiple reports…

Mar 2021 – Race and Equity

So, let me ask everyone a question… and present an opinion.  Race.  Why is this still an issue?  Why can’t we look past it as much as we aspire to?  Now, granted, many of us do (or at least believe…

Mar 2021 – Immigration Hypocrisy

Thought for the day (with just a little sarcasm…you’ll recognize it when you read it):  Immigration Crisis 18,000.  That’s how many minors are currently in HHS and CBP combined custody since crossing the southern border.  That’s just since February 1. …

Mar 2021 – Filibuster Thoughts

Beware of short-term memory loss; it will bite you in the… Let’s set the stage:  Remember 2013?  No?  Let me help you:  Senator Harry Reid, Democrat, Nevada, was the majority leader of the senate.  He, against the wishes of the…