Apr 2021 – The Global Tests that are Brewing

Recall when Robert Gates, former Secretary of Defense and actually a friend of Joe Biden’s, said this in his book (and later stood by that statement in interviews, as recent as last year): “Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”

And now he’s president. 

We talked recently about foreign policy issues that faced Obama / Biden, and how they opened the United States and our allies up for increased risk in the global theatre.  Granted, that was my opinion, but I back it up with facts on policy, contrasting the last 2 administrations and their respective results.  Obama drew lines in the sand.  They were crossed again.. and again.  Then he watched Crimea be invaded and taken – from a US ally.  And the Russians knew he’d do nothing.  They had Syria as proof, not to mention a faltering Iraq, Iran and Afghan policy.

Fast forward to today.  Remember when I wrote about global risks that were going to potentially quickly escalate, as they go to test Joe.  This is incredibly dangerous – even for those of us living comfortable lives in the US thinking it’ll never get THAT bad.  I hope it won’t, but let’s look at the world today:

Russia, in the last 10 days, has massed a massive troop presence again on the Ukraine border.  Why do you think that is?  Again – this is a US and Euro ally.  Some of those treaties require a response.  Our response so far – despite freedom of navigation in international waters and the US Navy’s continuing mission to maintain that, Biden’s defense department has turned around 2 US destroyers in the last week from sailing into the Black Sea… because they are concerned with the Russian build-upon the Ukraine border.  I’m sorry – but that’s the time we absolutely send a display of power as a deterrent.  But instead, we have turned them around.

China, after dressing down our new Secretary of State in Alaska – using our own BLM democrat-generated rhetoric – has become far more aggressive to Taiwan, Vietnam, Japan, and the Philippines.  They have accelerated their building of “outpost” islands in the South China Sea as military bases.  They are now flying over Taiwan – totally unopposed.  We have recently sold some arms to Taiwan.  Those might be used soon if everyone’s not very careful.

Korea is resuming missile work, and has refused to “return the phone calls” from the new administration.

Iran is now accelerating its uranium enrichment, in an effort to get the US to rejoin the JCPOA.  By the way – you all do realize that after the US gave the Iranian regime over $100B in frozen assets after the JCPOA was first signed, that the agreement had a 15-year expiration, right?  But restrictions start expiring after the first 10 years.  At the expiration it removed any and all restrictions, and Iran could do whatever they wanted.  FYI.  It was a horribly bad agreement for many reasons. 

And let’s not forget that in late March China and Iran inked a 25-year “cooperation” agreement, that neither side will really disclose what’s in the deal.

All of this – on the fast track – since inauguration day.  The world sees us consumed with tremendous in-fighting, ridiculous cancel-cultures, accusations of systemic and institutional racism throughout our country, a border policy out of control, and an education system that is frankly broken.

It’s time to steer back to a path that works.  This isn’t it.

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148