Mar 2021 – China Summit, Putin, the Border…

The week can’t end fast enough…

…For our boy Joe and his administration.  But sarcasm aside, we’re entering dangerous times, and our guard must be well-rested going forward.  Here’s things to keep an eye on so far this week:

The Chinese are meeting with the US delegation in Alaska this week.  They learn quickly, and have picked up on all the “systemic racist” rhetoric this is being played over and over by one half of the country against the other.  They went on a 15-minute tear into the US today, at the opening of the summit (they were only agreed to have 5 minutes) saying that the US are hypocrites to challenge China on any human rights issues after the way we have mistreated black Americans.  Yes… internal rhetoric, true or not true, is listened to and used by our adversaries.  China went on to basically say the US has no credibility to challenge China on anything.  Anyone with any foreign policy knowledge knows this is a clear shot across the bow of the US.  The challenges will only escalate from here, as they sense weakness now.  Watch carefully.

Of course, this week in an ABC interview, Biden called Putin a killer, which sparked an immediate reaction from the Kremlin:  Vlad Putin has challenged Biden to a debate, live, for the people of both countries to see.  That strikes me as a hard “no” from our side.  Putin will most likely “eat his lunch” on a live stage, and I think we all would (reluctantly) agree. But again, Russia is also detecting weakness and is willing to push us as well.  Watch carefully for Russian next moves. 

This, all while Jen Psaki slipped today and called the border issue a crisis, which she quickly corrected to a “challenge”.  But despite reporters asking to tour the facilities being set up all over the south – including one now being proposed/planned in central Florida (Texas is filling up fast), the White House has gag-ordered the border patrol to not talk to the press, they have flat-out refused and ignored press requests to see what’s going on in the facilities, and they aren’t even allowing Texas health officials access.  And now the New York Times – liberal paper by all accounts – is reporting that the Biden administration is quietly asking Mexico to “curb the flow” again.  Keep them from getting to the border.  Keep them in Mexico.  After they went through all the trouble to perform a 180-degree reversal of all the policies that had the border under far more control… until now.  100,000 people crossed this month alone.  3x the worst days of Obama or Trump.

I know many of you are mostly ignoring these thoughts each evening, as I appear to be going after Joe each time. Yes… I am.  Because the policies are bad, and bad quickly.  Terrifyingly quickly.  Jobless claims up again this week.  Gas prices rising fast.  Tax plan spooking the markets – and yes, they have LOWERED the bar for tax increases to half the personal income Joe touted in his campaign, and going after corporate and energy taxes.  Guess who pays all of those?  Two guesses. 

We need to take the conversation back from the extreme side.  I don’t care if it’s a democrat-led, republican-led, Center-Fielder-led, or tri-partisan-led effort.  These events, sparked by rapid, unthoughtful, and extreme policies and over FIFTY executive orders rushed to his desk and signed, the huge monetary policies and massive borrowing that has our supply of cash way, way too high on international markets, etc., all spell dangerous times ahead.  On several fronts. 

Today – we need to reel-in congressmen and women supporting this.  Tomorrow…. 2022 … we need to field candidates at national and state levels to start repairing – yes, repairing – the damage that is quickly building. 

We are a nation of one people.  We’re all inspired by the same beacon that attracts the rest of the world to join us.  But extreme views – on either side – dim that light that otherwise guides us as one nation to that safe harbor.  (Channeling my Reagan tonight.  He didn’t say that, but he would have if I sent it over to him.  😊)

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148