Mar 2021 – Immigration Hypocrisy

Thought for the day (with just a little sarcasm…you’ll recognize it when you read it):  Immigration Crisis

18,000.  That’s how many minors are currently in HHS and CBP combined custody since crossing the southern border.  That’s just since February 1.  The largest surge ever seen – 30% larger than the previous record.  And we’re adding 6,000 more contacted crossers every day (all ages).  Also the largest surge ever seen.  We’re on track to shatter – not break, but actually shatter every record ever set for illegal border crossings.  Predictions are for this to go on through the summer at least.  And no – Biden has been directly refuted by CBP agents who have quietly said we are not able to return 70%+ of those crossers.  In fact, we are able to return less than 15%.  So, in his news conference when he said, “this happens every year” –  incorrect and directly refuted by CBP.  “We are sending most of them back” – incorrect and directly refuted by CBP.  If another recent president said that, the line would be “LIES!!”  I choose a more moderate term of “incorrect”.

Fact:  Of the sampling of kids being tested – not all, but the sampling done by assistance agencies – they are testing roughly 15-20% covid-positive.  Fact:  Dallas convention center overflowed almost immediately, so now San Diego and San Antonio convention center, along with Fort Bliss and other military bases, are being used to house the overflow of kids AND adults.  Fact:  One of the sites was designed to hold up to 1200 kids.  With covid distancing it was reduced to 250 kids.  But today, as discovered by the senate delegation that visited against White House wishes, that site is at a staggering 4,100 kids!   Fact:  Press is banned from touring these sites.  Fact:  CBP is ordered to not speak to the press (so leaks are coming out like water through a colander).  Fact:  The Administration is quietly asking Mexico to help stem the flow as of over a week ago (a.k.a. – *one* of the policies Biden killed).  Fact:  No, the Psaki line of “the system was dismantled by the last administration” is also grossly incorrect.  The facilities were all still there.  They were significantly under-utilized because the problem was, you know, well-under control.  Fact:  CPB agents are so busy processing and babysitting now, that they are at least 50% understaffed on border patrolling.  And this is well-known by smugglers.  Fact:  The White House has asked many government agencies to seek out their staff for 120-day voluntary deployments to the border to help with the inflow.  Fact:  Biden has sent $80 MILLION dollars to buy hotel rooms for arriving illegal immigrants.  He won’t buy a hotel room for a deployed National Guardsman in DC…  Fact:  Smugglers are making roughly $14M per week on human trafficking.  Fact:  The kids that are being united with family in the states:  Almost 95% of them, so far, are also here illegally.

And a really annoying fact:  San Diego teachers – that won’t go back to classes – are now visiting migrant kids to provide onsite instruction at their convention center!

Heard enough yet?  See the photos of kids in caged plexiglass and plastic, from the democrat House member that he snuck out to show everyone?  Go google the Ted Cruz (republican) ones, too – they’re even worse.

So, please, everyone, curb your outrage and anger!  It’s deafening and hurting my ears!  I can’t take it, I give up!  Please, stop with your yelling and protesting and all the angry words!  It’s bad enough that every major news outlet is carrying “kids in cages” for at least 20 minutes of every single newscast!  The calls for stopping the inhumanity are really not helpful!  OMG!  Stop calling for criminal charges against the administration!  Stop calling for impeachment and special counsels! 

Oh.  Wait.  You all aren’t doing that now. My mistake.  That was the LAST administration, handling far less kids, using Obama-Biden cages for a very short time before fixing the problem.  I’m sorry.  Carry on with your happy-to-not-know-or-care-because-its-a-different-guy-in-office day.  😊

Sorry for the pointed sarcasm.  But hopefully you see the outright hypocrisy that at least 50% of the country sees.  If any more “moments of illumination” are necessary, I’ll see what I can do to assist.  Carry on.

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148