Apr 2021 – Protecting Friends and Allies

I’m struggling with the correct terminology for the set of events over the last couple of days, as it really boils down to censorship and narrative-grooming. 

First, we have Project Veritas – an undercover journalist group that has gained a reputation exposing corruption, most recently in mainstream media.  The links I posted two days ago in Social Media … where Veritas staff were at a restaurant with a CNN producer caught on tape talking about CNN’s efforts in guiding narratives, spreading “propaganda” (his actual word), working to adjust beliefs in the general public, etc. … well, now (yesterday) Project Veritas has been permanently banned from Twitter, so their links they had on that platform are now disabled, seemingly to protect CNN.  Protecting your friends?

And it’s extremely interesting that Veritas has been winning court case after court case against the NYT and others that have tried to sue them.  Veritas has been found to be truthful.

And yesterday we also learned that the “bounty being paid by Russia to terrorists for US servicemen” that Adam Schiff and a whole host of other democrat congressmen were touting – as well as the Biden campaign – back in July… well, was totally a lie.  The DNI is starting to trickle out information in the last 24 hours that said 2 things:

  1. That story was never true.  A large sum of money was recovered by US troops, and what the money was for and whom it belonged to was never determined.  Many theories were floated and none were proven.
  2. The House and Senate Intel committees – and the White House – received briefings that included the money discovery.  Then suddenly a leak came out that Russia was paying bounties.  Adam Schiff went on national media (MSNBC, specifically), and talked about the outrage amongst his colleagues.  So did Rep. Eric Swalwell (remember – the guy that was sleeping with a China spy until the FBI clued him in).  Swalwell even said he’s reviewed the intel.  BOTH of these guys are on the intel committee – Schiff CHAIRS it – and were both briefed and told that narrative was not true!  Both of them!  Before going to the media!

Never mind that Trump immediately called the story “fake news” – because, you know, he received the same briefing and knew it was fake. 

And the NYT actually took this story – that they broke – that was totally false – and went to gold star families to interview them and insinuate that Trump let this happen.  Sorry, but at some point people need to understand the hype that has been totally misleading and flat-out lying.  And again – don’t take my word.  Watch the Veritas videos.  Look up the statements released saying “oops – no, really, it wasn’t ever ransom, and we told congress that from the beginning”.  And then vote issues, not party, in 18 months.

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148