We Are the Moderate Majority

Over the last several years our moderate voices have been minimized, and even bullied into silence by extreme views across the political spectrum. This site is dedicated to bringing the conversation back to a place where we can present platforms based on common sense, and take those views back into the political arena(s). When exploring the Moderate Majority site you’ll find Platforms and Opinions that you may fully agree with, or somewhat agree with; the goal is to find enough common ground that allows us to encourage reasonable debate, achieve compromise, and ultimately move forward with agreement. The way politics was supposed to be.

In the beginning we labeled ourselves as “Center Fielders” – able to shift center-left or center-right, but never too far from the middle in any given topic. Baseball analogies don’t always appeal to the wider audiences, but the theory still holds true.

We don’t look at (or care much about) party in the Moderate Majority. You’ll find our views do favor fiscal conservatism, while also working to be societally conscious.

Have a look around. If you like what you see, you’re probably part of the Moderate Majority already.