John Brooks

John Brooks

July 2022 – Colorado Transportation

For this installment of “what I want to see in Colorado candidates” (from governor on down), let’s talk transportation.  And let’s (for once) think bold.  Why?  Because that time to think bold started about 35 years ago (during the start…

June 2022 – Colorado Energy

In this installment of what I want to see in a Colorado candidate, we’ll deal with energy production, creating “potential”, and charting paths for transition. In Colorado we have over 300 days of continuous sunshine per year.  We also have…

May 2022 – Colorado Education

The next area I am looking for our post-2022 elected state government to tackle is education.  While some reports place the US as #1 in education rankings globally, when you get past the “how many people went to school” level…

May 2022 – Colorado Growth

As we are deep into the election primary season, the next set of posts are going to focus more on Colorado issues that I will be looking for candidates to address, to earn my vote.  Today we’ll start with growth.…

April 2022 – And the winner is…. 8.5%!

8.5%.  That’s the inflation rate for March.  Rushing past the 7.9% record from February.  At the risk of sounding sarcastic, “well done, Joe!”  Housing costs up by 30%.  Home construction costs up 17.5%.  And economists are warning we’ll hit over…