April 2022 – Overstuffing the Population

For those of you that blissfully get your news from sources that completely ignore some very important events day to day, I suppose I’m doing you a bit of a service by providing that which you don’t want to know about.  Yes, as you read on you can probably hear frustration at the sheer idiocy we are now having to deal with.  But how many of you really THINK about what this all means?  So, here we go for today:

We saw record numbers coming across the border in 2021 – WELL beyond past records with over 2.2 million that were encountered/released – not the got-aways.  In 2022 we are on pace to shatter that, and now they are ready to rescind Title 42 – which will take the 8,000 per day encounters to an estimated 18,000 per DAY.  CBP says they are at crisis level at 5,000, FYI.  Democrat congressman from the border region and now 5 dem senators are all backing GOP legislation to keep T42 in place.  Biden is set to veto.  Latest estimates are astounding:  At current growth rates, border crossers are estimated to pass 30 MILLION (and upwards of 60 MILLION) – yes, the caps are on purpose – by the end of Biden’s term.  You voted for this.  We are on pace for up to 1 in 5 people in the US to be here illegally by the end of his term.

We now also have multiple new trends in “mass overdose events” with fentanyl.  Our own DEA is warning of this new trend, as deaths from the fentanyl being brought in on an unsecured border are hitting record numbers.  This was pointed out MONTHS ago by previous blogs.  Remember??  South Texas DEA alone reported a 1066% increase in fentanyl seized in Biden’s first year.  Here is the continuing ramp-up in deaths that was inevitable.  Want to see the DEA release:  https://www.dea.gov/press-releases/2022/04/06/dea-warns-increase-mass-overdose-events-involving-deadly-fentanyl   In the first 3 months of 2022 the DEA seized 2,000 pounds of fentanyl.  In 2021 – first year of insane border policy – the DEA seized over 15,000 pounds – enough to kill every American and 4x the amount seized in the last record year of 2017 (it fell in the years in between…any guesses as to why?).  This is real.  People are dying.  Well over 100,000 … per … year.

Hunter’s laptop:  Yup.  Now that it’s a story, and the investigation is picking up steam, suddenly Joe’s family are circling the wagons, and media pundits are starting to say different things.  Elon Musk has bought a massive stake in Twitter – which originally banned circulation of the story mere weeks before the election.  Is it related?  Dunno.  But he also refused a board seat, which keeps him from being held to a 14.9% ownership cap.  Editorials are appearing in papers all over the country about “why we killed this story incorrectly” and “would it have made a difference”.  Again, dunno.  What is true, however, is that the Biden family took millions in foreign money using Joe’s name and influence (and Air Force 2), from large money players and some unfriendly governments.

And through all of this, have you seen anything – anything at all – that shows where the previous first family has been found guilty of any corruption or illegal activity?  Anyone?  Anyone?  Let’s not forget, you had tens of millions in Special Counsel funds spent to find … nothing.  You had the House hold years of hearings and investigations to find … nothing.  You had congressmen on national TV saying they “have seen” the evidence … then…crickets.  It was a lie.  You had well-placed players in the FBI and DOJ to help with illegal taps, altering warrants (now all busted by honest officials) and you found … nothing.  Sure.  The guy in the White House was an ass.  But did you find him doing anything illegal?  Nope.  But everything suppressed around the Bidens for years is starting to see the light of day, and it all stinks.  And your media is starting to slowly admit it.  And I understand they have to do it slowly.  They have to show a shift in story line at a slow pace, so as not to appear to have been totally wrong and lying all along.

Why stop there?  Economists across the board are predicting a 2023 recession.  Calling it “the exact same pattern Carter followed, which took us to record inflation, taxation, and interest rates, stifling economic growth.”  And they also all agree of the cause. All of them.  I’ll give you three guesses.  I’m guessing the Nobel Laureates that Biden touted as supportive of his BBB plan are sitting this one out (of important note:  I actually read what those alleged “laureates” said – those that would come forward, and they ALL said inflation would only lower IF .. and I emphasize IF .. the supply chain could be appropriately over-fortified).  Betcha didn’t know that, huh?

And, while the war in Ukraine continues on and the war crimes grow in numbers every day, we now see China on pace to build over 100 new nuclear ICBM silos in western China this year, with legs to attack anywhere in the world, and a rapidly accelerated nuclear weapons development program.  Betcha didn’t hear about that today, either.

This is a mess.  Self-inflicted at the booth.

Carry on.

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148