June2022 – It’s not Joe’s fault? And “both sides do it”? Really?

Okay – I’m taking a quick break from Colorado politics to jump back in on the torrent of completely inaccurate information flowing from Biden and his gang.  Just the other night on Jimmy Kimmel, Biden said, “we have the fastest growing economy in the world…the world…the world.”  Well, Joe, no – we don’t … we don’t … we don’t. In fact, we’re not even in the top 10 countries on that list right now.  And also – we receded last quarter, remember?

“Europe is in worse shape” – well, no, not accurate.  Inflation is lower in several Euro (and global countries), including Germany, the UK, etc. 

“We’ve added 8 million more jobs so far – more than any president in history” – okay – I had to LOL on that one.  Yes, Joe – those are called “people getting back to work after we shut down 14 million jobs in covid”.  Sorry, no credit there.

“We’ve cut the deficit by over $350B last year and are on track to reduce it by $1.5T this year” – OMG, even CNN and CNBC called this out as totally misleading.  Yeah – when we aren’t printing money as fast for covid relief, it has gone down.  Not by your actions, though…  AND – the CBO reported that had Biden stuck with Trump-era policies, the deficit would actually be lower by another $500B than it is today.

The biggest economic markers are all bad now, Joe:  Inflation – record high.  1.4% when you took office; 8.6% today and expected to grow further.  Massive spending has been clearly identified as a leading cause.  Gas:  $2.30/gal when you took office, over $3.30 well before “Putin” became the scapegoat, and now at $5.03 and climbing.  Credit card debit – now highest ever and growing ($841B).  Housing market is dropping like a rock:  21% drop in new mortgage apps and growing (lowest pace in years).  Interest rates up by 0.5% last month, and today the Fed is raising them another 0.75%.  Expected to climb at least another 3-4% in the next 1-1.5 years!

“The markets have risen 20% since I took office” – Well, yes, and now they’ve given ALL those gains back.  The markets are now BELOW when you came in, Joe.  Jan 2021 Innauguration:  30,800; Jan 2022:  36,300; June 2022:  30,400.

“The oil companies have over 9,000 leases for drilling – why aren’t they?”  Again, how stupid does the administration think we all are?  Let’s see:  The flurry of over 5 dozen executive orders in the first week that (1) killed the Keystone XL phase 4 expansion (800,000 barrels per day); (2) restarted massive regulatory red tape and hurdles that now make it years to get through all the processes to begin drilling; (3) re-ignited the massive permitting process red tape, etc.; (4) canceled new Federal leases to oil and gas, virtually eliminating ANWAR and the Gulf for further use; shall I go on?  So, no energy company wants to invest millions in a lease that may be killed an any time under this administration.  Oh – and let’s not forget the little-known fact that investor funding for exploration (in this current anti-fossil-fuel attitude) has dropped by over 85% (!!!) in the markets.  Translated:  No money is being risked on energy exploration here now.  Thanks, Joe.  ALL on you.

And then there’s the lawlessness in the Democrat party.  Both sides do it?  Well, no.  Let’s see:

  • Eric Holder (AG under Obama) refused to enforce laws on the books, first and only AG to be found in contempt by congress.
  • Border laws are ignored with specific instructions from the DOJ (AG Garland) that they will not prosecute, so border agents waste time arresting anyone for illegal entry.
  • 18 USC 1507 – making it illegal to protest in front of the SCOTUS homes (also witnesses, jurors, etc.) – totally ignored by AG Garland and the DOJ.  Many don’t know that an armed man was arrested last week by US Marshalls in front of Justice Kavanaugh’s home.  He stated he was going to kill Kavanaugh.
  •  Hunter Biden federal firearm background check – he openly lied on the application and was allowed to purchase the gun.  The lie was caught, and no charges were pursued.
  • And just this week, Nancy Pelosi’s husband was arrested in CA for DUI.  They fought hard to keep his mugshot from being released.  Let’s see what actually happens to him under CA “mandatory” penalties.

And then Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA) gave a speech in a House committee meeting last week about how the Republicans voted against gun control, mental health, and police measures to protect kids.  Too bad he named virtually no examples, but I did the research:  It turns out almost all of these were packed into really bad bills, such as the last (unnecessary) $2T American Rescue Covid bill that, you recall, bailed out several dozen UNION pensions and cities’ budgets (like San Francisco’s).  GOP voted against.  In fact, all of these were packed into bills that tried to do things like infrastructure (on analysis, only 5% of that bill was ACTUALLY being used for classic infrastructure), but then force all labor used in the bill to be unionized.  But they didn’t tell you about that.  Just the talking point of “you voted against safe storage for guns”.  Yeah – because it was thrown into a bill that builds a park named after Nancy Pelosi and builds a rail line between 2 rural towns in the mid-west that don’t need it.

We were recovering well.  And in reality, Florida and Texas (among others) recovered the fastest and strongest.  Don’t believe me – go look at the numbers; you’ll be shocked.  Then Joe arrived with a flurry of policies that kept people on the gov’t payroll even longer, killed US energy (declining production for last 15 months – go look it up), spent into inflation, up-ended foreign policy that had the world far more stable, is flooding the US with over 1.5M illegal immigrants from 150 countries per year, has illegal drugs and deaths at all-time highs, and has encouraged and seen soft-on-crime policies that have given rise to 40% national increases in violent crime.  40%!  It starts at the top.  It finishes at the ballot box.  Think hard.  Which world do you choose?

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148