July 2025 – Apparently everyone had better fall in line as history is recast

Mar 2021:  Put in charge of the border crisis.  Tasked with getting the tide of immigration under control.  Labeled as the border “czar” by the media, and that was embraced by the administration.  But then the “root cause” work she was tasked to solve with northern triangle countries and any work on the border itself – not a single thing.  No resolutions or fixes at all.  Zero.  And now the media has been instructed to reverse course and say “she was never in charge of that”.  Places like Axios have even submitted retractions from reporting 3 years ago.  But you’ll vote for her.

2019:  She’ll ban fracking, and she’ll ban offshore drilling.  Said in multiple interviews and in campaign speeches.  Now she says she didn’t mean it.  Bloomberg is reporting that she’ll be tougher on the oil and gas industry than Biden.  Energy drives every corner of our economy (and empowers or cripples our adversaries, as we’ve seen), and they won’t allow nuclear, they won’t allow more hydro, they want to stop all fossil fuels … and you’ll still vote for her.

2020:  Harris did back the “Freedom Fund” and helped raise money for it.  This fund was to help bail out BLM rioters (since then it has helped release several people that have since committed additional rapes and murders – look it up).  She also sat in hospital rooms with accused rioters that were themselves injured, saying “this was unjust”.  Several outlets said “Trump lied about that” – which you all lapped up as “Trump lied!” – when, in fact, he didn’t and now those outlets have backpedaled or gone quiet because the videos and evidence have overwhelmingly resurfaced showing she did do all that – and you’ll still vote for her.

2018 (and later):  She wanted to completely “rethink” ICE and as a senator wanted to defund them when Trump wanted to expand them.  She has also gone on record saying “more police on the streets does not lead to more safety” … which begs the question, what does zero police lead to?  And what is the “correct number” to have?  She was all over the map as a prosecutor in San Fran, refusing to seek the death penalty for the killing of a police officer in 2004, but then wanting to charge parents for their kids’ truancy.  She later “regretted” how that law was being used.  But you’ll still vote for her.

She has been ranked as the most left-leaning liberal in all of congress – even statistically beating out Bernie Sanders by less than 0.1%.  Those policies will be on full display when you elect her.

Today she ignored presiding over the Netanyahu address to congress (as is customary to do as president of the senate), in favor of a sorority campaign event.  Later she did attend a meeting with Netanyahu and Biden, only the express her deep concerns for the war in Gaza.  She has already gone on record speaking in very anti-Israel tones, only to now reverse those tones as the presidential nominee.

You talk about Trump lying.  But he did what he said he would do, and that has been recognized globally (and I have heard that personally on my international travels, many times).  Biden said he would go to war on fossil fuels – he has.  But he said he would be a moderate – he’s been far from that.  But Harris is totally recasting almost every position and policy to a more “electable” tone … what happens after the election?  She sponsored the green new deal in the senate, but now is softening her tone on fracking only now as a candidate?  Really?  Just lap that up…  Now over 300 former staffers have signed a letter endorsing her, although she has the worst staff turnover in history (92%, actually).  That’s okay – 50+ intelligence officials signed a letter lying about the Hunter laptop – that was good enough for you.  Now that they were shown to have openly and bold-faced lied.  But you’ll still vote for her.

She has the lowest VP rating in history. She was out of the presidential race before the first primary because nobody liked her.  She called Biden a racist, then shortly after was his running mate.  She conforms and adapts just enough to get the vote.  No – that’s not every politician, but it is a California serious liberal.  That state is in deep trouble, even after Biden and Pelosi bailed places like San Fran out 3 years ago (along with union pension funds) – remember all of that?  We all paid for that in the acts Pelosi/Schumer/Biden put into law.  But you’ll still vote for her.

She garnered, to this day, absolutely zero delegates that have voted for her on the top on the ticket.  In 2020 or 2024.  Several decent democrat challengers were shut out by the DNC’s steamrolling Biden and having no primaries (Dean Phillips would have even been a better choice).  This has been a total shell game and disenfranchising of democrat voters through a primary process.  Where again is the threat to democracy?  Just checking.  Who has gotten the media to completely re-write years-old narratives?  But you’ll vote for her even though nobody – absolutely nobody did before.

Yes, I’m obviously not a fan of Harris.  She has stood on the side of extreme at every turn – which is why you correctly took her out fast in 2020.  She has been completely ineffective and even mocked overseas.  But now that Biden has been forced out, the only way to preserve the money and not fall into total chaos is to suddenly move her to the top – which on ANY OTHER DAY in any other circumstances, none of you – not one – considered her suitable for president.  So now you would?

Hypocrisy has a home.  It lives and breathes again in this election. 

Anything to keep the evil orange one out.  You’ll get what you pay for.  We all will, if she manages to win.  I’d recommend you do not put her in, and instead put in someone infinitely more qualified in 2028 (when we’d be back on track again):  Nikki or Tulsi. 

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148