July 2025 – Gloves are a bit more off today; Thoughts after the shooting

Let’s be perfectly, crystal clear:  When you continue to gaslight that much hate in people by saying “existential threat to democracy” and “fascist” and “supremacist” and “biggest threat in our lifetime” and “dictator” – you polarize and divide an entire nation.  Make zero mistake about that.  To their credit, the DNC is taking down the attack adds calling Trump a dictator from the Milwaukee city buses this week.  I’ve seen posts today supporting the shooting that are sickening.  Let’s not forget the shooting yesterday (possibly by a young registered republican who donated money to a liberal organization after Biden was inaugurated – this is how far the rhetoric reaches) was only the latest aimed at GOP – recall the ballfield shootings that almost killed Scalise a few years ago after all the left rhetoric.  Or the Schumer (and others) near-violent rhetoric on the steps of the Supreme Court that resulted in the attempt on Justice Kavanaugh.  Or the attack on Lee Zeldin as he campaigned for governor in NY.  Let’s not forget the Reagan shooting.  Or the attempted Ford shooting.  All GOP.  Every one of them.  Let’s also not forget before Trump even took office there were calls for violence by House members (e.g., Maxine Waters) on camera, at rallies, against GOP.  All GOP.  Let me say that again to be VERY clear:  Calls for VIOLENCE against GOP.  Am I mad – d*** right I am – because this is the result of total rhetoric aimed at “MAGA” – when most of America does want us to be great – but that in ZERO definitions makes us facists or isolationists.  ZERO.  And to top it all off, we have Ezra Klein, NYT, in his podcast saying what Hill democrats are quietly saying to him – that the “existential threat” is really not – which we already know if we’re even somewhat intelligent about all of this:  (20) Tim Miller on X: “Here’s the GALLING exchange with @ezraklein about his conversations with Top Democrats who are resigned to Trump. https://t.co/wgAQ0eLNVZ https://t.co/fy0pxkKann” / X

Let’s not forget this all started on the left when their girl didn’t win.  The labels of “illegitimate president” rang out across the party, starting with Hillary herself.  The Russia hoax started and ran for 3.5 years, for tens of millions of dollars, divided us all even further, and proved to be a total lie.  With congressmen on camera saying “he’s going down” and “I’ve SEEN the evidence”.  All lies.  And you bought it.  Drank it like the koolaid in Jonestown.  Those idiots were even re-elected (Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler, for starters).  Then the impeachment for doing nothing wrong with Ukraine, only to find out now that Biden actually DID do all those things to extort Ukraine for Burisma for Hunter.  J6 committee tapes, docs, and thousands of hours of videos – deleted, erased, and password-protected.  This is a play for power, pure and simple.  This is a play to continue to have an elite class tell us what we should believe to be good, bad, and ugly.  Look up where the money comes from – almost all billionaires are democrats – go ask yourself why?  Ask why people like Pelosi are worth north of $120M on a $200K salary?  And they fight dirty (note the Trump legal cases are starting to unravel, as expected – but the goal was always to campaign on the label of “convicted felon” – which will be reversed).  Let’s not forget Biden wasn’t charged for far, far more docs actually stolen knowingly from the SCIF for several decades because he was “an old man with a poor memory”. 

This is where we are today.  It’s sick, and frankly predictable.  As the link above shows, Dems at the capital are saying one thing to gaslight – have been for years now – and thinking something totally different.  Some of us follow like sheep; the rest actually weigh facts to reach reasonable conclusions.  Yes – I am saying many of us are not anywhere in the realm of reasonable, because we hate someone so very much.  But’s let’s be perfectly clear again:  Republicans don’t hit.  But they do hit back.  Imagine where we could have gone as a country if the blows didn’t start coming in immediately after the 2016 election…  Imagine if the old guard in D.C. actually worked with that administration instead of attacking it every … single … day … putting it on the defensive as GOP staffers were chased out of D.C. restaurants.  Yes – recall that?  Chased out, on the orders of people like Maxine.  Imagine.  The first stones were not cast from the GOP.  And this is where we are.

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148