May 2024 – Why do you think that is?

As I watch Trump rise in the poll numbers with every new court action, and watch Biden either have no idea what he’s saying, he’s forgetting, or he’s mis-informed (e.g., the CNN interview a few days ago when he said he came into office at 9% inflation and he “fixed it” – only to receive a slew of Pinocchios on multiple fact checks:  He came in at 1.4% inflation, and his spending made it rise to 9.1% after his first 18 months), I continually try to understand the reverse effects that people keep experiencing.  Here’s some conclusions I’ve come up with, for you all to ponder:

Why is it that Trump is the most loved, most hated, most successful, most attacked President in recent decades?

A simple answer (and certainly not the only one) is this:  From 2016 till now he has conducted his policies under one guiding rule:  Don’t go to him and ever say “well, that’s just the way we do things here in Washington.”

That has made him the enemy of the “normal state of play” in our government.  He talks about the swamp.  Maxine Waters talked about “taking him out” (ACTUAL wording from a speech where she offered to do it that very night), Pelosi threatening to impeach him before he even took office.  The entire Russia Collusion that proved to be 100% false and a big lie. 

The next conclusion, therefore, is this:  The loudest voices of opposition in the room are almost 110% of the time the people that are the most threatened and have the most to lose.  Think about that.  And find a time in your life experiences where that has NOT been the case.  Then think about who the loudest voices of opposition have really been.  It’s okay – go ahead.  We already know, but it’s good for everyone to pursue this exercise on their own.

Why do I reach these collective conclusions?  Well, think about this:  The elite, especially in NY and Wash DC, run in circles most of us never will.  They are captains of industry.  They are the media moguls, controlling every message delivered to the rest of us.  They control Wall Street and the Banks.  And they are all major donors to elected officials that are tasked with keeping the status quo exactly as they need it.  These folks have money we only hear about in movies.  Most of these folks are completely detached from the rest of us, either via the Potomac or the Hudson.  And over the last several years they have been increasingly placed in uncomfortable positions – and therefore they move as a single force to eliminate the cause, using all the tools at their disposal.

Now consider this:  Trump ran in those circles for decades.  He was a major donor to the Clintons and many other democrat candidates.  But he also started to see the corruption, and the lack of efforts to oust it; in fact, he saw the opposite:  Every effort being made to protect it.  But he used his self-built empire to fix projects that others failed at (many to benefit the people of NY – really, go look that up).  This led to a strong disillusionment of what the democrats that held power were really doing, vs. what they were saying.

Then he became president.  Let’s compare, just so we’re all clear and not influenced by the garbage from “Rachel Maddow” and “Morning Joe” and “THIS.. is CNN”:

Trump gave us tax cuts (which made the IRS receipts INCREASE YoY – go .. look .. that … up for yourself – 48% of the population now pays zero or almost zero income tax – that was NOT for the rich). 

Biden wants to let those expire.  A $2 trillion dollar increase in taxes, which will cause the hundreds of industries that came back onshore to now leave again, and will cripple us again (note the 50% capital gains he also wants to impose on the stock market – 401k’s included)

Trump brought peace in the Middle East – crippling Iran, getting several Arab countries to sign the Abraham Accords with Israel, eliminating Isis, and planning a structured Afghan withdrawal that was totally tossed (according the actual generals that just testified) by Biden.  No country crossed a line with him – he was unpredictable and tough.

Biden brought us an empowered, enriched Iran, bought oil FROM Iran, let China do the same, and let them build a war machine which has now destabilized the Middle East.  He is pictured as weak, and now we have Ukraine because Putin knew Biden would do nothing. China is preparing to re-integrate Taiwan.  Iran is at the doorstep of a nuclear weapon.  North Korea is almost complete with ICBM tech and is a major weapons supplier to Russia (with China and Iran).

Trump was attacked by every major corner of government over his 4 years.  Courts overruled election laws.  Democrats constantly investigated him.  He and his family furnished millions of pages of documents to congress, and they found nothing.  Yet he still persevered.

Biden and his family fight investigations at every single turn.  They get a pass on “willfully and knowingly stealing classified documents” for over 40 years (direct quote from the Special Counsel Report), yet Trump gets indictments.  They get a pass on lying to the public and to congress over family businesses, including Ukraine extortion of a $1 Bn loan guarantee until the Ukraine gov’t fired a prosecutor investigating Biden’s son and Burisma.  Trump gets impeached.

Trump created the most secure border in decades (off the heels of Obama being the “deporter in chief”). 

Biden killed all those policies, and now has upwards of 11 million people here illegally JUST since he took office, raising crime rates and placing a massive burden on most large cities.  We now have record fentanyl deaths every year.  He is actually FIGHTING Texas in court because they ONLY want to enforce the Federal Laws Biden is ignoring.

Trump made the US energy-independent and a growing net exporter.

Biden has canceled land leases, forbidden new drilling, packed an almost insurmountable regulatory wall in front of existing leases, and sold off almost half of our strategic reserves to lower prices in time for his midterm elections (short-lived).  Gas was around $2 when he came in; where is it now?

Net net:  Trump fights the corruption that truly appears to exist and is being fought hard to maintain.  That protection mechanism has half the country embroiled in belief that they are the “good guys”, and the GOP are all “bad MAGA people trying to destroy democracy”.  Reflection moment for us all:  Who’s destroying it?

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148