December 2023 – Don’t

One of the weakest foreign policy statements I can recall since the infamous and meaningless “red line” told to Syria.  Let’s replay the last 3.5 years:

Almost 3 years ago our senior military leaders advised against the form of the withdrawal from Afghanistan.  It was not in line with the prior agreements by the last administration.  It was going to lead to an almost instant collapse of the government there.  But that advice was ignored, and in the chaos 13 marines were killed (and well over 100 Afghanis).  ALL of this was confirmed by those now-retired military leaders to Congress in the last 2 weeks.  ALL of it.  Several thousand Americans and Allies who were promised asylum were left behind for private non-government missions to save as many as they could.  We left over $8 billion in military equipment there.  We abandoned our primary base in (seriously) an overnight departure.  Then we were told “we are just as effective in fighting terrorists in Afghanistan with over-the-horizon methods”… which then resulted in 7 school children killed by our first botched drone attack since the failed departure.  This was emboldening to those watching.

Recall the legs of the stool posts I wrote in late 2021.  China, Iran, Russia, and North Korea.  2 years ago, Putin invaded Ukraine and put Europe in immediate peril, and several neutral countries have rallied to join NATO.  Last year Israel was attacked, followed by several hundred attacks on US troops and interests all in the Middle East.  All of these were backed by Iran.  China is inching closer to Taiwan, and now has moved squadrons to the shores immediately opposite Taiwan, is beginning almost weekly airspace intrusions into Taiwan, is becoming far more aggressive with the Philippines Navy, and is forcing Japan and Australia (pulling the US along) to start taking more firm stances in the South China Sea.  Meanwhile North Korea is advancing its ICBM testing, ignoring White House calls completely, and supplying arms to Russia (as is Iran).

And Joe’s response to the October 6th attack by Hamas, backed by Iran?  “Don’t.”  That is our commander in chief who, as I have stated with factual events and data since 2021, has now brought the entire world to a precarious place – more so than any time I can recall in my lifetime.  More than any time in the 80s when I served (Reagan carried that big stick and was not challenged… sound familiar?).

So, since Joe emphasized “Don’t” – he has been totally ignored.  Why?  He believes in appeasement.  Those not familiar go look that word up – in Joe’s case it means “unlock over $80 billion in frozen assets to convince Iran to play nice.”  Or it means “pay Iran $5 billion to free American hostages.”  Or it means “ease up sanctions on Iran and allow them to sell oil to China – now their largest buyer – with no penalties even though those sanctions are still in place.”  Or today it means “Israel don’t go respond to Iran” – who over the weekend for the FIRST TIME EVER launched over 330 drones and ballistic missiles in a direct attack on Israel from Iranian soil – and Joe told Israel to not respond, but instead to “take the win” as almost all were defeated by Israel, Jordanian, American, British, and other forces.  Let me say that again – a DIRECT attack.  If the US or ANY country was directly attacked, what do you think they would or should do?  Especially after October 6th in Israel.

Global enemies of the West are emboldened and becoming even more emboldened by the day under this president.  If you can’t see it, you seriously need to open your eyes.  I said 3 years ago I wanted to be wrong about where this was going.  So far, I am not.  This will get worse the longer Joe stays in – sorry, that’s just the facts. 

One last thought:  It’s okay to be last.  Last in understanding and finally realizing this current president was the wrong choice, no matter how much you despise the other guy.  He may be repulsive to half the country but look no further than trajectory to understand what is truly happening around you.  And look closely at what you are being told and by whom.  Many of us still aren’t balancing rhetoric with personal research or even listening to the other side – even for an hour.  Like I said:  It’s okay to be last. It’s not okay to be too late.

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148