April 2024 – As we prepare for the campaign season to really get going…

What tricks are up each candidate’s sleeves (if any)?  Well, the left-leaning Washington Post is now reporting that the Biden administration is urging Mexico to help slow the migrant flow until after the election.  We are adding new violent crimes every day – literally every day now – by gang-related illegal immigrants.  That one is so easy to provide links for it’s sad – if you want to see the rapes, child molestations, murders, assaults, drug trafficking, etc., send me a message and I’ll be happy to send you many links.  Or you can easily find them yourself… 

Did you know the administration is also now (according again to the Wash Post) targeting SEVERAL Title 9 changes to women’s sports and other women’s rights areas?  Until after the election, of course, although the administration is building new rules that will be tricky to undo by a new administration, should they lose. 

In the Courts –

In the Trump Libel case – Trump has a massive penalty levied against him.  What people who have NOT followed the proceedings don’t know is that the accuser (who claims that Trump sexually assaulted her in a dressing room) said the attack happened in 1994.  She was wearing a Donna Karan jacket dress.  Problem:  That dress wasn’t sold in 1994 – so, she updated her claim to either 1995 or 1996, she wasn’t sure.  But she also claims she met Trump on the street and they went there together to buy lingerie.  No witnesses, no corroboration.  Trump offered DNA if the other side agreed to provide the 12 missing pages from the DNA report on the dress.  But no matter – NY judge and jury.  He was ordered to pay.

The Alvin Bragg “hush money case” – this case is really about whether Trump used campaign funds to pay off Stormy Daniels.  All the money was paid my Michael Cohen – not Trump, and his firm was reimbursed.  But here’s the rub:  The NY law was past the statute of limitations and only a minor infraction if that; so what happened?  Well, the state Dem legislature passed a law increasing the limitation by one year so Bragg could proceed, AND Bragg attached a Federal charge to it to increase the severity.   Note the Fed DoJ already reviewed the case and passed on it a while back, and Bragg has no Federal jurisdiction.  No matter – NY judge and jury.  And Bragg ran on “getting Trump”.

Leticia James – she was able to leverage an old rule to avoid a jury in her civil fraud trial against Trump and secured a very left-leaning judge.  Why is it that:

                The Judge pre-determined Trump real estate at a fraction of the stated value before the trial EVEN STARTED, e.g., Mira Lago at $18M – literally less than 5% of its actual appraised worth?

                Every single bank witness – EVERY ONE – for the defense and prosecution – agreed they supported the valuations, vetted them internally, were not defrauded, were all paid on time, and all wanted to do more business with Trump Enterprises.  The judge did not care.

                The Judge invoked the highest bond in history to try to keep Trump from getting appeal – no due process by the 8th amendment.  When this gets to the Supreme Court, it will be overturned – I have zero doubt, after reading reviews by (so far) 14 legal scholars.  And the bond has to be backed by someone outside of NY for one reason:  Nobody in NY wants to back the bond for fear James will come after them next.  But now James is saying an out-of-state insurance backer is not acceptable.

                She ran on one thing:  Getting Trump

Fani Willis (Fulton County, Georgia) – Charged Trump on RICO statute that has never been used for this extreme application before and hired her boyfriend with no prosecutorial experience.  She took DOJ grant dollars to pay him, then went on expensive vacations with him and apparently paid him back in cash with no records.   Judge forced her to release him (due to the appearance of significant impropriety) and left open a door for appeal to release her as well.  Other DAs say they won’t touch the case if Fani has to give it up – they state it has no factual basis.

                Fani ran on getting Trump

Jack Smith – on the classified docs case – his appeals to the Supreme Court are falling flat and being rejected for speedy trial.  He wants to get a conviction before the election.  Never mind Joe knowingly taking classified docs as a senator from the secure SCIF and also as a VP.  And he’s not being charged.  Funny story:  I’ve been to 4 presidential libraries thus far.  Carter’s was interesting:  In the library is a LARGE library room, with floor-to-ceiling records, behind glass, of his presidential docs – many classified but then unclassified by him when he left office.  Hundreds of thousands of them.  No scuffle.  No FBI raid.  No charges.  Huh.  Ditto for the other past presidents.

What are all these guys scared of?  Simple:  Losing power and being fired (or prosecuted themselves).   Who has censored the media (as again stated by RFK Jr last week on CNN)?  Not Trump.  Who has worsened the world situation (significantly)?  Not Trump.  Who has worsened our economy?  Not Trump.  Who has effectively dismantled the Abraham accords and isolated us in the Middle East?  Not Trump.  Who has gotten us into seriously bad situations in Ukraine, Tiawan/Philippines, Israel/Hamas, Isis K (Afghanistan)?  Not Trump.  Who is putting together new rules to effectively ban gas vehicles by 2030?  Not Trump.  I could go on and on –

Meanwhile Biden and DHS are not enforcing 4 laws/statutes for illegal border crossing, forcing Texas to act.  Biden has illegally flown over 300,000 illegal immigrants to 40 US airports so far (recently exposed in a FOIA disclosure, secret until then).  The murders, rapes, assaults are growing.  Yes, it is true – Venezuela has emptied prisons and then canceled repatriation agreements – as are many countries.  Funny that Venezuelan crime is down 60%!  LOL – because they’re here now…

Meanwhile the blue states continue to do damage:  The $20 min wage in CA for fast food franchises (25% increase) has impacted McDonalds immediately:  1200 layoffs of workers so far, a big mac meal is now a$18.  McChicken up 33% in last year just due to inflation.  Pizza Hut is cutting 1300 jobs.  El Pollo Loco is also cutting jobs.  Other chains are also announcing leaving the market or layoffs, as the hike goes into full effect this Spring.  Other CA new requirements have resulted in 50,000 tech jobs cut by the giants in 2024 so far alone.  CA unemployment has now risen from 4.5% to 5.3% (Aug 22 was 3.8, Aug 23 was 4.6, today now at 5.3)

The jobs report yesterday was actually not bad – unemployment went back down to 3.8%, and the economy added just over 300K jobs.  The devil, however, is in the details and is puzzling, if not slightly eyebrow-raising:  Part-time jobs increased by over 600,000.  Full-time jobs only increased by 6,000.  People now working 2 jobs increased by over 1,000,000.  Of the 300,000 jobs created, almost 25% of those were in the government (almost 73,000 – this is concerning, as we are already way over-budget and borrowing), and almost 25% were in healthcare (72,000 – which is not unusual).  So, yes – good report on the surface, but a closer examination has economists unsure whether it was really good or not?

Conclusion:  The Democrats in power are often (not always) corrupt and will use all the power of the media to sway public opinion yet deliver nothing.  All to keep power.  The last 7 years have totally exposed a massive swamp that I was not sure existed (to this extent) at first.

I am not a card-carrying Trump fan.  But given the choice… there is none, IMO.  But I ask you:  Why do you find him so awful?  Because you are told to?  He’s callous, sometimes vulgar.  He’s often uncouth.  He’s been accused of just about everything, and most of the time those turn out to be false – the damage is in the insinuation and resulting media coverage.  Funny how every time something is false, the media totally ignores reporting on it.  But he was effective. 

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148