Sept 2023 – The “We” Factor – “We” did this to ourselves

As we watch the current increasingly crazy show play out in the Senate, where now Chuck Schumer is allowing any clothing in chambers, so Fetterman (D-PA) can and IS wearing gym shorts and hoodies on the Senate floor, we must also acknowledge that “we” voted this all in.  “We” are now seeing a massive migrant surge again, as crossings are blowing up to 5x-6x what they were under the last administration.  230,000 AGAIN last month and growing this month. The system may be “broken” – but tell me why, under the SAME system, we had a fraction of this migration, rules to seek asylum outside the US, actual title 8 deportations, etc.  Tell me why NYC is blowing up right now as people are seeing the impacts in their schools, on their streets, in all their hotels, in their deficit budgets, etc.  And that’s just ONE city.  With 100,000 illegal immigrants arriving in just NYC, and yes – 75% — let me say that again – 75% are coming from Biden bussing, NOT Texas bussing.  Yup – look that up.

Never mind the polls that clearly show 85% of us are worse off than 3 years ago.  Who are the 15%?  Democrat elites?  Dunno. I know zero of those people.  Never mind that Joe has a fleet of handlers, takes the short stairs on the plane, can’t find his way off a stage, and rambles and mumbles through speeches, often unknowingly repeating himself, has spent 40% of his time in office on vacations, is stated by other world commentators as an embarrassment (yes – heard it again in Denmark last week, in fact) and almost never takes press questions unless pre-arranged on his cue cards.  “We” thought this was better? 

Never mind the justice that is absolutely biased in the DOJ.  Let’s see what happens with all the indictments – Dems are working overtime, bringing in laws from (in some cases) over 150 years ago, to try to find a way to apply them and stick them to Trump.  The strategy:  Simple:  Cost him millions in fees, tarnish him, keep him in courts and off campaign trails, and just make it all last long enough to get past the election.  Maybe even get him off ballots. 

Meanwhile, Hunter is being protected from Federal felonies that the DOJ knowingly let lapse for prosecution, and the felony gun charges would have pled out to very minor misdemeanors if the GOP didn’t surface SEVERAL internal IRS and DOJ witness whistleblowers that called it out just beforehand.  Yet people like Paul Manafort rot in prison for the same charges Hunter skated past.

But did “We” ever care when Hillary called Trump illegitimate and said he shouldn’t be trusted?  Only to later find out that she was the one behind financing the whole Trump Dossier?  She wanted a different elector slate and wanted the election to not be certified… sound familiar?  Recall the petition by that called Trump “unfit to serve”?  Recall the computer scientists in 2016 that said there were “irregularities” in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and the systems may have been hacked?  Recall that?  It was 2016 – NOT 2020.  Yet Trump was indicted for much of the exact same thing.   Did “We” ever care that Hillary’s classified emails that were subpoenaed she then knowingly destroyed?  Did DOJ do anything?  Did “We” care when the calls for violence again GOP by Maxine Waters (D-CA) in a rally before Trump even took office then led to things like gunning down GOP Congressmen on a ballfield in D.C.?  Did she face any backlash?  Nope.  Nancy didn’t even touch it.  Never mind that January 6th had a standing offer from the Trump Whitehouse to Pelosi for 10,000 National Guardsmen that she refused.  Never mind that “We” have looked the other way as the “Select” January 6th committee, under orders to preserve its evidence of videos, testimony, etc., destroyed all of it illegally as the GOP took the House back.  Did “We” care? 

Looking at things like the impeachment inquiry – you all understand why that had to happen, right?  You all understand that all illegal and impeachable offenses leading to the Bidens are being blocked by the DOJ, right?  Example:  Foreign cash that made it to the 20 Biden shell corps then “disappeared” at the doorway to the Biden personal accounts … access to those is now blocked by DOJ.  The 5,400 alias-authored emails about Ukraine, etc., that Joe used over 20 aliases for, while VP, had Hunter cc’d on many of them with subject of “Ukraine” – why?  Dunno – DOJ, Biden, and Obama have blocked content access to the House.  And let’s not forget the appointment of David Weiss as Special Counsel over Hunter – which mostly shuts off the ability to the House to investigate the ties between both Joe and Hunter – including the $3M+ given to Hunter by a Russian Oligarch (wife of former Moscow mayor) after having dinner with Joe and ODDLY being the only oligarch left OFF the Russian Oligarch sanctions list by Joe’s administration after that.

My advice:  If “We” can’t stomach the idea of a possible Trump win again, then “We” should elect Maximus Mighty-Dog Mueller II instead of another Joe or Kamala term.  Anything would be better.  Anything.  This much damage this fast?  Are “We” happy now?  FYI – Maximus is Mayor Max – a Golden Retriever elected as mayor of Idyllwild-Pine Cove, California.  He would be far better.  “We” would be better off.

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148