August 2023 – A policy coming home to roost in a bad way?

“Securing the border is inhumane” … Yeah.  Okay.  You go with that thought. 

And as we’ve discussed for over 2 years, there are bad people that also want to gain entry, not just safe migrants.  There are fentanyl base materials flowing into Mexico from China (known fact from the FBI and DHS), being processed into consumables in Mexico, and being smuggled across the open border by the hundreds of millions of pills, killing 10s of thousands of us each year despite CBP capturing millions of pills.  But no – we don’t need to secure the border, despite almost 7 million people having crossed illegally under Biden’s watch, so far.  7 million.

So, what’s the state of play today?  Well, let’s see:  The border wall materials that are bought and paid for that Biden will not erect, he is now selling off to the highest bidder as fast as he can, ahead of the 2024 election.  Yup – go check it out.  We are paying millions to contractors to not build the wall, and we are selling off the manufactured pieces, and he has now welded open parts of the new wall in Arizona, with no detaining of those people now flowing through.

It was good to see the GOP debate last week – where a firm invasion stance was taken.  To be clear – we have over 1 million people that already enter legally each year.  We have even more that enter legally on seasonal work visas.  Let’s not be confused by any of the rhetoric many of us are being fed.  The fact that NYC and the State of NY are declaring emergencies for 100K immigrants being bussed – at those migrants’ request, incidentally – to NYC as a “sanctuary city” – they’ve received 100,000 people, sent over 30,000 of them to cities across NY that are now protesting because they have no resources to manage them and are not sanctuary cities – but the millions entering on the southern border?  Well, NYC is crying about 100,000.

Here in Colorado?  Yeah – we’re also in the hole financially and worsening in the Denver “sanctuary” as more arrive.

Never mind any of that, though.  Let’s talk about the statement from the National Security Council today, where they finally disclosed that at least a dozen Uzbekistan nationals were granted access into the US across that southern border, with no vetting, several months ago.  Today we learned that the FBI finally discovered that they were brought over by a suspected ISIS-linked smuggler.  To date, we have over 150 countries-worth of people coming in across that border.

No – those folks that entered have disappeared and most have not been located yet by the FBI.  This has raised alarms across all of the Fed machine, and this even made it to Biden’s daily briefing book.  The Administration’s only statement?  You won’t believe this:  They believe it is a shining example of a system working the way it should!  A threat was identified and determined to not be a threat.  WOW.  Really?  They haven’t even found all of these guys yet.  They don’t even know about any others that have crossed, unhindered, in the last almost 3 years.  If this erupts as a cell in the next few months or years, we’ll have one person – just one – to blame for this happening.  And a bunch of others who would vote for that again, if faced with a choice… 

Security is a thing.  But few of us pay it more than lip service until it impacts our lives in our neighborhoods or schools.  Think about that.

As you can probably tell, frustration is also a thing. This didn’t need to be this bad. It really didn’t. It was a choice.

You wanted an unstable world?  Well, now you have it.  And a shaky economy.  And a major crime crisis in almost every major city (go look at those stats … and all the retailers that are leaving those cities or putting all their goods under lock and key as D.A.s in those cities are not prosecuting – seriously – go look).  And a migrant surge that we have no means to support in our cities, our schools, our labor market, our healthcare, etc.  Do you really want more years of that?  Are we all actually better off now?  Are we? 

Kamala’s own words a few weeks back:  “most Americans are a $400 unexpected bill away from bankruptcy”  Her own words.  Bidenomics.  With a dash of possible terrorism that we’ve very possibly allowed to seed.

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148