August 2023 – The Latest Released Info from Congress and Other Tidbits of Fact

So, let me see if I have all this straight, since only a handful of networks are reporting on this:

The Bidens have now over 20 discovered shell companies, moving over $20M through them over the last several years (so far), with no – ZERO – products or services delivered.  Money has come from Russia, Ukraine, Romania, China, and Kazakhstan, among others.

Zero taxes were paid on the money.

6 policy decisions were made in coordination with that money arriving.  So far.

Over 170 SAR (Suspicious Activity Reports) were filed with Treasury.  None acted on.  Zip.  Zero.  Nada.

US Sanctions on Russian Oligarchs curiously omitted one person – the wife of the former Moscow Mayor (he’s now deceased), after she deposited over $3.2M to Hunter, which was then distributed amongst the family.  AND, she ended up at dinner with Joe within the same time period.

But Jamie Raskin (D-MD), who is on the Oversite Committee, can’t run fast enough to the microphones after each hearing, to say “there’s nothing here and it’s all conspiracy”.  When, in fact, he’s lying as deeply as Adam Schiff.  That’s okay, though – that’s all the sound bite NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, and CNN needed.

When the FBI was investigating Hunter, he was tipped off about an imminent raid by someone at the FBI/DOJ.

When the Biden Morgan Chase accounts were subpoenaed when the money trail led there, Joe blocked the subpoena with DOJ.

The investigations into the Chinese money that went to UPenn for the Penn Biden Center and other things (now suspected of IP espionage) were effectively blocked by Biden’s DOJ as well.

There is far, far more being exposed.  Far more.  And most of you are choosing to be clueless.  This is the biggest corruption scandal I can recall in my lifetime, and it’s being slow-walked by a DOJ and FBI completely controlled by the person who is guilty, in all likelihood. 

And the Biden-stolen classified docs dating back to the 70s?  His legal team is asking the Special Prosecutor investigators to focus on only those illegally taken during his VP term, and to look the other way for those he illegally took as senator.

The DOJ and FBI have sat on these details for years – allowing most of the major crimes to expire through Statutes of Limitations.  Which is why the GOP, once they finally were allowed to subpoena again after 4 years of Dem blockages in committees, is the only body now looking into all of this.

And the latest today:  The US Attorney behind the sweetheart Hunter plea deal has now been made a special counsel by AG Garland.  Actually, a brilliant move, because now it throws water on the Congressional investigations by making it harder to get testimony and documents from the now-Special Counsel.

And another fun fact just made public:  The “Select January 6th Committee” that conducted over 1,000 interviews and gathered all kinds of testimony, spent millions, got prime-time air coverage, and uncovered … wait for it … NOTHING – was ordered by incoming Speaker Kevin McCarty to preserve all their records, as required by law.  But Chair Bennie Thompson (D-MS) and co-Chair Liz Cheney (R-WY) ignored all of that and destroyed almost every record associated with the committee’s work.  Including reportedly exculpatory evidence, videos, and statements.  Really?  Now why would they do that?

Notice gas prices heading back north again?  $4 here.  And Saudi Arabia just announced they are extending their production cutbacks for a longer period.  They hate Joe, and are getting cozy with China, Russia, Syria, and Iran.

LOL.  You can’t make this stuff up.  You can’t.  If it’s one guy, you say, “find a tree, get a rope,” but if it’s another guy, you just hope it all goes away, even though his crimes are, you know, worthy of actual incarceration.  OMG.  I just have to laugh.

I will never say “I told you so”, because we effectively all pay the price for bad decisions at the ballot box and on the international stage, as is shaping up right now.  But man am I close to wanted to revisit that vow.  Next year wouldn’t it be nice if we could all grow a backbone and vote for actual justice and cleaning out ALL the career bad actors in Washington DC elected offices and agencies.  Every one of them.

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148