July 2023 – Bribery, Fairness, and the Current State of Affairs

Fascinating times we live in…  Fairness needs to mean something again. Seriously.

So, we have a document that accuses a president of substantial wrong-doing before he was president.  We have congressmen lining up saying they’ve seen the evidence, and it’s compelling.  We’ve spent tens of millions of dollars on investigations to prove the case.  And yet not one government witness that has worked with the document has found it to be true and they won’t stand behind it or press charges, no matter how long and hard congress pressures them.  Huh. 

No.  Wait.  That was the Russia Collusion debacle!  You know – the one where Chris Steele, retired MI-6 agent, ginned up a doc based off a bar conversation, funded by the Clinton campaign (all now revealed as the facts), and the FBI offered him $1m USD to say it was true, and he couldn’t and wouldn’t.  So, not one agent sat before congress – not one – and said “it’s true, we got him”.  Not one.  Yet Adam Schiff said over and over on camera, “I’ve seen the evidence” – and he lied completely and repeatedly.  So much coverage on the big 5, “He’s caught”  He’s done”  “He’ll have to resign”.  And it was all a lie.  What’s worse – the country drank it up, “Trumps a crook”  He’s a Putin stooge”.  And we have now learned they (dems Schiff, Pelosi, and Nadler, for starters) knew it was a big lie before the investigation ever started.  Saying that again … ever started.  And yet their districts hailed them as heroes and gave them re-elections.  This is the world we live in.

Contrast that with actual facts today:  Without rehashing all the evidence that is plainly out there to go research all by ourselves … it’s all there … We now have career government officials – sworn law enforcement professionals, mostly democrats, but the good ones (yes, there are plenty of them out there), coming forward by the dozens from high-profile investigations units in several departments (IRS, Treasury, FBI, DOJ), talking about how Biden investigations are being deliberately $hit-canned, delayed, buried, or just halted.  We have 10-20 year agents and special agents and lawyers saying they and their entire units are being are being re-assigned away from these investigations.  We have actually FBI documents that have been in play for years, yet totally buried, that implicate our president in an international bribery scandal, and the FBI buried it for YEARS until a whistleblower brought it up and the GOP found out about it.  Then they had to fight with the FBI for weeks (months) to get it out of their cold, dead hands.

Yes, today we have congressmen out in front of cameras saying “we’ve seen the evidence”.  Well, they have.  Dozens of suspicious activity reports from numerous banks dealing with 12 Biden shell companies moving money from several foreign countries to their family members.  No tax tracking.  Fraudulent firearms applications.  No consequences.  Reports from FBI credible witnesses saying Joe and Hunter were bribed, through their own demands.  Government witnesses saying “yes – we are investigating, we have recommended charges with the evidence we DO have, and the Biden DOJ has killed all of it”.  The money is still being tracked; tax evasion most definitely happened over at least 3, possibly more years.  Like $8m USD in unpaid taxes.  If the tapes are found for the bribery, we’ll have that, too.  But the other evidence is there, it is being shown to the public, and it is compelling and frankly embarrassing for the country. 

Yet half of us are still content saying “you have no evidence”.  Have you actually looked for yourself?  Yes – they do.  And they are gathering more. 

So, let’s recap and perhaps reflect a bit:  You were totally happy to accuse Trump when no evidence was able to be found or corroborated.  When zero government employees could verify or validate through investigations that anything was wrong.  You still wanted to hang the president out to dry.  But.  BUT.  When there is evidence, and mounting evidence – from banks; from the FBI; from DOJ files forced out into the open by FOIA requests; from external business records; from the laptop that is now proven – by the FBI – to be totally real … you stand back and say, “all lies”, “all conspiracy theories”.  Reflect on that a bit.

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148