July 2023 – Bidenomics … for All His Family

Thought for the day:  Bidenomics – the untold story (because they don’t want to tell it)

No, this isn’t a story about Biden’s economy and his touting over a trillion in deficit reductions again in Philly (which has been again shown to be completely untrue, since those reductions were entirely due to covid relief measures expiring … and the GOP negotiated with him to claw back the unspent money).  And then the Secret Service had to rescue him to show him the right way to exit the stage … again.  No, this isn’t about that.

This is about the congressional hearings this week that are being totally ignored and willfully not carried by the big 5 networks.  You should go watch.  You should ALL go watch.  What will you see and learn?  Simple:  Some of us unknowingly (or knowingly) voted for the most corrupt man and family in US political history.

This isn’t hearsay.  This isn’t conspiracy theory.  This is real evidence.  This is from career (most often democrat) service employees from the FBI, IRS, etc., that have come forward as whistleblowers to state how the FBI and DOJ have completely gone off the rails to protect the Biden family, most often illegally.  Again – this is real – these are facts.  This makes Watergate look like a Sunday picnic.  I remember Watergate.  How many of you do?  This president should be in jail, or at the very least, resigned in disgrace.  Sorry… calling it like it is.

Did you know:  The FBI document that describes, IN DETAIL, the reliable source that describes how then-VP Biden and his son Hunter shook down the Burisma CEO for $5M EACH, so Joe could get the Ukraine prosecutor investigating Burisma to be fired?  And then Joe had the nerve to go on camera and brag about it?  How he told the Ukraine government that he was leaving Ukraine in a few hours and would withhold over $1B in loan guarantees unless they fired that prosecutor?  His words, “and son of a bitch, guess what – they fired him”.  That document – released by Sen. Grassley after it was finally handed to him by the FBI – has even more info in it, including highlighting of tapes and texts with Joe and Hunter both.

Did you know:  The IRS found at least $17M (so far) in money moved suspiciously through Hunter and his dad, with no taxes being paid?  No foreign agent declaration, etc.  In total, over $40M is being tracked.  But this $17M is of particular interest, since the IRS found MULTIPLE felonies to be charged – which was also backed by SEVERAL other government agencies – and the DOJ killed the charges, let several pass statutes of limitations, and reduced others to minor misdemeanors.  But it gets better … when the IRS wanted to interview even more witnesses, they were ordered by the DOJ to limit their questioning, and anything about Joe that they stated they wanted to pursue and investigate, and even question these witnesses, were EXPRESSLY forbidden by the DOJ. 

These are career agents.  IRS-proclaimed elite investigators.  One of the key investigators is a self-proclaimed gay democrat.  He isn’t a Trumper.  Never has been.  These are people that are doing the right thing, and now being totally attacked by the Biden-appointed machine. 

There is an unbelievable amount of info being found – and all democrats are saying after the hearings are “these are old, debunked conspiracy theories”.  Wow.  Really?  I have never heard any – not one – of these even discussed before the GOP got the House back.  It was all buried.  And now the trail is showing to be totally true, and totally corrupt and illegal.  Never mind the damage this president is doing domestically and globally, or the embarrassment he is when speaking, mumbling, and trailing off to who-knows-what, the big question is why on earth would anybody, knowing what we are now finally learning, ever vote for someone who defends any of this?  You have to ask yourself:  Why would anyone ever defend any of this?  Answer:  Simple. To retain power.

Have a good weekend.  And please – educate yourselves.  You wonder why half the US is polarized one way?  Because we see the other half clinging to a lie that is exerting a tremendous cost on all of us.  And they refuse to even consider that they are wrong.

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148