June 2023 – The Hunter Biden Sweetheart Deal and Why We Should All Care

Thoughts for the day: What additional info will be released this week and how many need to come forward before 50% of the country actually pays attention?

I’ve been a bit quiet lately on my reviews and commentary, as I wanted to watch more of the “investigative drama” play out. I also spent time watching coverage across news sources, to see if anything is changing. While I have seen the tiniest of movement in the big 5 networks, it’s still very, very miniscule, and played down considerably.

I went back recently and looked at Paul Manafort. Remember him? The former Trump campaign manager who received over 7 years in prison for failing to register as a foreign agent, evading taxes on millions of dollars, and lying to investigators? And let’s not forget: Trump did NOT pardon him. Moral of the story: He broke the law, received a sentence, and the GOP president did not interfere as his DOJ handed out punishment.

Why did I look at Manafort? Simple. The unbelievable sweetheart deal Hunter Biden received from Biden’s DOJ, led by Merrick Garland (part of the Biden campaign in 2020). What deal? A reduction of crimes from multiple felonies to all misdemeanors, no jail time, minor fines, and everything goes away. Okay – but for WHAT crimes? Well, let’s see: Failing to register as a foreign agent; evading paying taxes on millions of dollars; lying to investigators. And…AND – a major weapons charge – lying on a federal firearms application – a clear, complete felony. Manafort went to prison. Hunter got the liar-liar-pants-on-fire, and “go sit in the corner and get no ice cream until you’ve learned your lesson” punishment.

If you can’t see the double standard here – including one president letting justice play out and another president making sure his DOJ was staffed with the right people to protect his personal interests, regardless of fairness or legality – then I submit you are contributing and supporting this corruption. A bit harsh? Perhaps. Again – this is not about Trump. I don’t think he can carry the general election, but I think he may muddy the water enough to make it hard for any other GOP candidate to get there. With 50% of the population knowingly burying their heads to Democrat (Biden) corruption, that makes this a problem.

Oh – here’s a Newsweek article about the Hunter deal: https://www.msn.com/…/the-hunter-biden…/ar-AA1cQlDx…

Here’s another from CNN (they’ll print some of the information, but they won’t air it, that I’ve seen…): https://www.cnn.com/…/irs-whistleblower…/index.html

What else has been happening? Well, despite the big 5 networks reporting virtually none of this (or laughing it off – about White House cocaine), a lot is happening, now that true investigations are happening. For instance: There are IRS, FBI, and DOJ whistleblowers darn-close to lining up to tell their stories on multi-year (not new .. MULTI-year) investigations into the Biden family that have been quashed, agents re-assigned for no reason given, etc., by Biden admin appointees. These people have taken great risks to get the truth out. They’ve been re-assigned, suspended without pay, not allowed to seek outside employment, had pensions threatened, received other threats, etc.

Going back and researching Watergate – this makes the mid 1970’s scandal look like Clinton lying about Monica. Nixon was exposed due largely to tapes of conversations of a break-in to a DNC office. Clinton was exposed due to his DNA (sperm) on Monica’s dress. Biden is being exposed, along with his son and his brother, for years of corruption, threatening foreign governments (“fire the prosecutor or we’ll withhold the billion dollars in loan guarantees”), taking between $5M-$10M in bribes as Vice President (also Ukraine), taking Hunter to China in Air Force 2 as VP to secure over $1.4B in investment for his private equity firm, receiving money from many foreign governments and companies for policy decisions and access to key individuals (north of $40M), creating over 12 shell companies that creating and sold zero products or services, to funnel money from multiple governments through multiple family members and pay zero taxes (this may also create a problem for them – but not while Merrick Garland is there protecting them), etc.

And for those of you that aren’t aware: One of Biden’s grandkids was in college but was being used as a money-funneling source, probably without her knowledge. Now she’s scared and being looked at for multiple banking violations, through no fault of her own, all thanks to Hunter, James, and Joe.

Over 150 (and counting) banking SARs (Suspicious Activity Reports) involving over $25M funneling through all these shell companies for the Bidens. Kept secret by the Treasury, and totally ignored for years by the DOJ – buried deep in slow-walked investigations, through multiple presidencies – with no word being brought to the surface until the Hunter laptop began to open the door to all of this corruption and responsible people started looking into it and asking the right questions.

Sorry – but this is real, it’s deep, it’s years in the making and executing. And it has Joe and his son and brother all over it. Show me — seriously show me – where any republican has this kind of dirt out there? If Trump goes down for not handing over classified docs, then so must Joe, for stealing classified docs as senator and VP – and we’re not talking a few dozen boxes (with Trump) – we’re talking over 1500 boxes over 30+ years! So again, show me where “the GOP does it too”. This is, and always will be, about fairness and equal applications of standards of justice. Period. Those that voted for Joe should look hard at that.

Circling back to cocaine in the Whitehouse… now we have learned that the Biden family WAS in residence when the cocaine was most likely left. Hunter included. KJP lied to the press, on camera about that. Will we EVER find out whose fingerprints are on the bag? My estimate: Not a chance. The most protected place on the planet, outside of NORAD. Who could get coke in?

And a final thought: I was disgusted by Ben and Jerry’s ice cream tweet about July 4th … where they called for the US to give back all the stolen lands to the indigenous peoples. They set their sights squarely on Mt Rushmore as well – totally ignoring actual history and legal treaties, etc. Not to be outdone, Cori Bush (D-MO), lashed out at the Declaration of Independence, saying it was written by slaveowners and we need to focus on paying reparations. Again, had she actually attended school when history was taught, she would discover that the major of her statement is false (on the slaveowner premise).

If I was president… Wow. Scary thought for many of you, I’ sure. But my first action would be to wipe clean several thousand people in 95% of high positions in federal government. Corruption starts at the top – and there are decades of it in place. We need true non-partisan, fair, non-biased people in those roles. Today we are on the polar opposite of that spectrum, and we only find out when the right people ask the right questions and have the appropriate authority to do so.

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148