March 2023 – Finally peeling back the onion…

Before we get to that, perhaps we focus on some good news:  There are some solid choices entering the race in ’24.  Nikki Haley is in the race, although many Trumpers don’t like her, and is very intelligent and well-spoken.  Ron DeSantis has an outstanding track record in Florida – and anyone disagreeing based off of ridiculous claims and labels in the media should seriously do themselves a big favor and read the laws passed.  Read the policies and read the reasoning for classes banned because they were not based on fact.  And then look at his landslide victory last November – winning counties that hadn’t swung GOP in decades.  This from the state with more Dems moving to it than any other.  He’s not in the race yet but is getting close.  Mike Pompeo is hinting at a run.  Very strong in Congress, as the CIA head, and as the Secretary of State.  Former West Point grad, as I recall, and extremely smart and tough and level-headed.  Senator Tim Scott – R-SC – also very grounded and intelligent, is hinting at a run.  Mike Pence is also dipping a toe in the water.  A man who held a standard and did not waiver on January 6th, no matter what anyone thinks of that day.  Solid integrity.

Why do we need them?  Consider the rapid decline in just 2 years:

  • 6 million across the border so far.
  • Mexico refusing to work with Biden at all.  At all.  Cartels have the government in their grasp.
  • Biden’s budget:  $6.8T.  Based on revenues of $4T, so he wants to raise taxes on corporations from 22% (getting us re-competitive again globally) to 28% (job-killing and industry-rehoming).  He also wants to raise taxes on those wealthy individuals – but that’s pennies when compared to the corporate rates he wants to impose.
  • We are at $31T in debt today.  Our interest alone is $542B (yes – half a trillion dollars) just this year.  Printing, borrowing, and spending has to stop right now.  In this congress.  Biden’s all “why hasn’t the GOP done their budget yet?” – but his was due a month ago, and it just came out last week.  Then congress does theirs.  Media didn’t mention the “late” part.  Find rug.  Sweep under.
  • Joe approved the Willow drilling in Alaska – well, it looks like 60% of it, actually.   But it’s something, at least.  He also killed exploration and drilling simultaneously on 16 million acres of Alaskan land and water, to appease the environmentalists.  These acres are over some of the richest deposits in North America.
  • Saudi Arabia and Iran have been enemies for a while now.  Most recently in a proxy war in Yemen.  Saudi was our main ally in the region again Iran.  Guess who just brokered a deal to bring them together and into the Axis fold?  Yup – China.  Xi is the guy and has also started cutting sweet deals with both nations, and the US, under Joe (whom the crown prince hates) can only watch as his phone calls aren’t taken and his envoys are rejected.  Good move, Joe.
  • Iran is now estimated to be at near 90% uranium enrichment.  Guess what that means?  Guess whom their first target is?  That’ll put the Abraham accords at risk and destabilizes the whole region, especially now that we’ve allowed China to gain control over the region.
  • Remember under Obama, we backed off and let Russian in, and Isis grew in Syria as Russian backed Assad.
  • Back home, we have now discovered there wasn’t 14K hours of Jan 6 tapes … there were actually 41K hours, and that’s been made available to the media.  Only one network went to watch it, though.  The others?  Find rug.  Sweep.
  • And the several dozen bank-issued “suspicious activity” reports, all for the Biden family, have finally started trickling to House Oversite.  Recall Biden blocked their access – for the first time really in decades – when he took office.  But now Treasury has been pressured to hand them over.  The very first things found:  Right after Joe left office (like just a few weeks), the Chinese government deposited millions into banks with shell LLC companies, with no related business transactions, and a few days later those funds were transferred to banks across the Biden family key players, Joe very prominently included.  No declaration of registered foreign agents, no nothing.  Just cash.  That’s just the first report.  Sorry – but Biden and his racket  – they’re as corrupt as they get.  No getting around that.  You don’t have tens of millions in real estate, mansions, investments, etc., with millions of $$ just in annual maintenance costs per year, on a $200K salary (average between senator and VP roles).  There is so much more on his China dealing so far that play well into this story line.  We’ll save that for later.
  • Under this inflation (today’s report – still at 6%), only 10% of the houses sold in the US were under $300K in Q4 of 2022.  Did you know, in Q4 of 2019 … just 3 years ago … 41% of houses sold were under $300K? 
  • And in other news, with Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank failing this week, Biden took action to go beyond the FDIC insured guarantees to shore them up.  But did you see what they’ve been doing with their money in those banks?  Diversifying in high-risk investments, and not transferring those when inflation hit and rates began to rise?  I know SVB – my last company and our VC group used them for years.  That was a while back – when they were normal.  Go look at the internal videos they posted on YouTube.  Go further and look at the $3.6 million in SVB stock the CEO SOLD days before the bank went insolvent… and the $575K the CFO sold!  Look at the millions in annual bonuses they paid out to staff also before going insolvent!  But the best part of that story?  With all the corrupt cronyism in the California Dems and their HUGE backing in terms of cash to Joe?  The San Fran Fed Reserve was supposed to be watching these guys.  They were supposed to be monitoring banking health all the time after the early 2000’s.  But they apparently were asleep at the wheel.  No surprise there:  The SVB CEO is on the BOARD of the San Fran Fed Reserve!  And, oh yeah, let’s not forget that Gavin Newsome, the CA Governor, uses that bank for 3 of his private vineyards, so of COURSE they would bend the FDIC rules. 

OMG you can’t make this stuff up.  And no.  No – you can’t find a story like this (and many, many others) in the GOP world.  Go try.  Please.  Really – help me find one.  I’ll find 20 more in these corrupt people that have hijacked the Dem party and the power base throughout Washington and big cities all across the US. 

We can’t get to 2024 fast enough.

Have a good night.

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148