February 2023 – Catching up on current events today…

Just so we’re all on the same page this morning: 

The CBO (Congressional Budget Office) has updated estimates, based on all the spending and programs Joe Biden and the congress has put into place, show the debt will increase over $2 Trillion PER YEAR through at least 2033.  $20 trillion more dollars.  And yes, that is a 50% increase in spending over revenue every … single … year.  This has nothing to do with the Trump tax cuts – as I’ve stated over and over, Treasury revenues have continued to RISE each year before and after those cuts.  And that debt increase is without massive COVID spending, which was the driver for 75% of the last administration’s debt increases.  So, let’s put the “Trump did it, too” comments to bed right now.

The Wall Street Journal: “Biden has mid-wifed in the largest Federal Government expansion since the 1960s.”  I give you tens of thousands of new regulations (literally… with an estimated net increase of millions of man hours needed to enforce), 87,000 new IRS agents, hundreds of billions of dollars going to support states and NGOs for the open border that has seen over 4.3 million KNOWN illegal crossings since Biden took office, and now the border patrol calling for more $$ and reinforcements for the Northeastern border, which is now also seeing a surge of immigrants through New England.

Let’s not forget the Ukraine arms spending:  We’re not actually buying all of that and sending over net-new arms … you all know that, right?  No – we are depleting (and now seriously depleting) our own military stockpiles and sending those weapons, systems, and munitions from our own Posts.  It’ll take years, assuming they don’t continue to slash the Defense budget, to replenish.

As expected, PRK just launched an ICBM that landed in Japanese territorial waters last week.  And China is now making State visits to Russia and providing them aide.  Look for a Spring offensive in Ukraine from Russia that could get even worse than it already is.

Why not go out and look at math proficiencies in our public schools?  Most recent results have been buried in your media:  Now 36% of 4th graders are proficient at grade level.  Only 26% of 12th graders are at or above proficiency in math.  In SEVERAL major cities … get ready for this … ZERO public schools tested at proficiency.  Guess who was elected to run those?  60 schools in Illinois (and 1/3 of those were from Chicago) had ZERO … let me say that again for the “tune me out” crowd:  ZERO students tested at proficiency for math and reading.

And on energy:  Gas in Colorado rose another 14 cents last week, to $4.14.  The Denver refinery shutdown for repairs is only part of the story.  Regulation hurdles have prevented Colorado from shipping in the difference, else face the risk of losing Federal dollars (long story… but our Dem Governor had to issue a disaster declaration to try to offset those regulations).  Suncor refinery shutdown not expected to cause gas shortages in Colorado (dailycamera.com).  And on electricity:  Biden won’t approve nuclear power here but is vowing to build SEVERAL nuke plants in eastern Europe.

And here in Colorado a new state legislator has introduced a bill banning the sale of Colorado farmland to foreign bad actors (we are at 1% sold so far and growing fast, like the rest of the country) – guess what party is shooting that bill down now as we speak??

There are few things more powerful than a voter.  And there are also few things more dangerous than an uninformed voter.  Locking on to one or two issues without examining the breadth of issues, policies and impacts, makes far too many voters vote against something instead of for something else.  But that something else is what gets in.  Think about that for a bit…

And enjoy your day.

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148