February 2023 – The State of the Union is really …?

I watched President Biden give his address last night and was impressed.  Not with the delivery, but with the spin.  Again, his team has painted a picture that is, at best, undeniably incorrect, and at worst, flat-out misleading and lying.  But let’s set the actual, factual table along the way:

Let’s start on jobs.  Biden claims to have created over 12 million of them, most in history.  He didn’t reveal that over 94% of those “creations” were covid shut-down jobs that are returning.  He also didn’t mention that we are, again, creeping up the levels of open jobs – now passing 11 million again – because people aren’t going back to work post-pandemic.  So, he really hasn’t created anything.

Did he mention that we’re losing over 1,600 tech jobs per day right now, since the start of the year?  More than that since the midterms (recall the day after the midterms a series of large layoffs, over 60,000 in total, were announced).  Did he note Dell announcing over 6,650 layoffs on Monday this week?

Did he mention that gas is creeping back up near $4 again now?  Did he mention the levels in the SPR (strategic petroleum reserves) are now dropping below 60% for the first time since 1984?  Did he mention he dropped the levels deliberately to impact gas prices before the midterms?  And here we go – exactly as predicted – climbing in price again as those reserves exit the market.  He forgot to mention that now 65% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck (a return to pandemic levels), average hourly earnings are down 3.6%, credit card balances are up 15% (highest jump in 20 years), our trade deficit jumped in 2022, and as of December is the highest on record, and so on.

Did he mention the over $6 trillion he has ADDED to the federal spending in 2 years?  Keep in mind, the annual Fed budget hovers around $4 trillion each year.  He also noted a reduction in deficits – which anyone that does simple math – really seriously simple math – knows that we hit big deficits to shutdown our economy during covid.  No longer being shut down and no longer printing money to fund all the protection programs means deficits go down.  He didn’t have anything to do with that.  At all.  The programs ended.  Along those lines, he criticized Trump’s spending.  Let’s be crystal clear on this:  Trump added about $1T in debt per year until covid, then he added just over $4T when we shut everything down.  By comparison, Biden and congress passed even MORE covid spending that economists said were not necessary and, in fact, harmful, and also passed several massive additional spending plans that they marketed as “inflation reduction” – yet were 100% the opposite.  It’s all in the marketing.  Net net – just in his first year Biden spent double the annual Fed budget, and at least 60% more than the Fed budget in year two.  Part of that was to hire 87,000 new IRS agents (every study out there shows the middle class being audited far more than any other group … they didn’t tell you that, huh?).  The IRS today has 78,000 people.  He is more than doubling it.

He touched on the border.  Barely.  But this isn’t congress at fault – the laws are there today.  Right now.  But he’s not enforcing title 8.  He’s barely enforcing title 42.  He wants congress to fix immigration.  Yes, some reforms are needed, but that has NOTHING to do with not securing the border.  Nothing.  We legally bring in over 1 million people each year already.  He’s allowed over 4.3 million more illegally (not to mention the almost 1 million that evaded contact).  Did you listen to the border agents testifying (finally) in congress on Tuesday?  They weren’t allowed to testify until the new congress took over.  Did you know that?  Hopefully none of you have been impacted by the fentanyl that is factually proven to be produced in China, sent to Mexico, and smuggled in across our borders.  Over 110,000 deaths in the US per year from that alone.  Agents are understaffed and overwhelmed.   The border is open.

And world security.  The Russia war.  The PRK testing ICBMs weekly now, and not returning calls from Joe.  The Saudis hosting China, and also not returning Joe’s calls.  Iran refusing to re-enter the JCPOA (and already reported to have a bomb now).  The Chinese over-flying Taiwan regularly now, as a prelude to?  A Chinese spy balloon transiting the US.  Picked up by the US as it approach Alaska, and NOT ACTED ON until a citizen noticed it in Montana and after it maneuvered to hover over several key sites across the US, we shot it down … over the Atlantic?  Great.  Mission accomplished.

A couple friends mentioned recently that at least it’s not a dictatorship, like Trump … but when I asked for examples of why they thought he was a dictator, I have yet to hear a reply.  However, I will toss out another word to look up:  Totalitarianism. Totalitarianism is a form of government that attempts to assert total control over the lives of its citizens. It is characterized by strong central rule that attempts to control and direct all aspects of individual life through coercion and repression.  It controls the media.  If anything, go take a serious look at how the DOJ and FBI have been weaponized.  Seriously look at whom they went after, on both sides, and who paid higher prices and who was shoved under the carpet (until whistle-blowers have stepped up in droves recently).  Look at information that was suppressed and downplayed (deliberately and falsely) and who in the media 100% supported that.  Go read the “Twitter files” that Elon Musk is exposing to the world, finally.  Look at parents in school board meetings under attack.  Look at which party was gunned down on a ball field.  Look at which party called for violence in any and all public places.  Look at who denied elections (I give you Hakeem Jeffries) and called a president illegitimate (several Dems in congress) and lied over and over – on national TV – about “evidence” that proved to be 100% a lie.  But they control your information, therefore guess what?

Oh – and here’s a new Disney piece being reviewed:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzPi9FNgUu0

Have a great evening…  And look into all I’ve just put out there.  No, I’m not a fan.  But I work on facts.  And they are everywhere, if you actually look. 

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148