January 2022 – Covering up for the clown car?

No.  I am still not a fan of Trump running again.  Sorry.  I do remain, however, a staunch fan of fair play.  So, feel free to read on.

Isn’t it interesting to examine the differences…  When Trump left office, he took some personal documents with him, of which the National Archives were fully aware, and were negotiating to gain possession of those documents.  Some were classified originally, but were deemed safe for declassification by the DNI and then declassified by Trump, as president, before he left office.  All legal and within the laundry list of presidential powers.  But to grand-stand all of this, last September the FBI (under direction of the Biden DOJ) raided Trump’s home to take those documents, already declassified, by force … for the National Archives to … store themselves?  You’d have thought they would have also been looking for the closest tree to also throw over a rope to hang him at the same time.  Never mind that the documents were not only under lock and key but were also under 24×7 Secret Service protection.  Never mind that the Trump team was actively working with the Archives to determine which they would give to them.  They really weren’t required to give any over, as is also noted by every … single … past … president that took declassified papers with them.  Including the beloved Obama.  And notice the DOJ has filed zero charges.  They probably won’t until he possibly gets close to being nominated for 2024 (I doubt he will at his point, but if he is the nominee, watch the Biden DOJ roll out anything they can).  But he has an affirmative defense, and not one legal scholar – not one – has said the case would have any legal strength; it would simply be a tactic to sway voters at the time.

But wait!  Would the democrats in power in DC actually do something like that?  Sway voters through lies, smears, and burying information potentially harmful to their boy?  Well, we could simply ask the Twitter execs and Musk, in their FACTUAL dumps of internal docs showing clear pressure from the Feds  to bury Biden-damaging info in the weeks leading up to 2020’s election.  That’s now finally going to be deeply investigated – not for payback, but for clear legal and national security issues that were totally, 100%, buried by Pelosi’s committee chairs for the last 3+ years.  Again – go look it up!  Actually look at the facts – don’t just read my diatribe!

And while you’re looking things up, note the story today (just released by the DOJ) that classified documents were discovered by Biden’s lawyer in Biden’s offices in the Wash DC building named after him.  Good move for the lawyer to immediately inform the proper authorities to get those documents handled appropriately, but it also begs the question of “how did they get there?”  Well, let’s look into that:  These were NOT declassified.  And they were taken by Joe and put into this office, in a closet, while he was Vice President – with ZERO authority to declassify them, in 2017.  They weren’t protected by the Secret Service (or anyone) – for almost 6 years.  Huh.  Really?  And the National Archives didn’t even know they existed – they were taken and stored quietly.  But here’s where the clown-car that is our current President and his entourage really gets the help they needed in covering this up:  The DOJ was made aware of these on November 1st, 2022.  Less than two months after they called out everything short of a Marine-led beach landing at Mar-a-Lago to “capture” docs they were already going to be given in the first place.  But they buried the Biden classified documents story until after the election almost a week later.  And they kept it buried until well after any recounts and run-off elections.  All the way until now.  Huh.

But most of us don’t care, because it’s not the evil orange one.  If we’re being played, we don’t care, because we’ll accept anything as long as it’s not the evil orange one.  At this point I just sit back and chuckle, because at some point many of us are quietly reflecting on the fact that they really did get sucker-punched into voting for anything that is anti-GOP, when in fact, the GOP may be the only check and balance left in Washington.  Might as well mix that uncomfortable reality into a cup of blissfully ignorant latte, and carry on with your day…

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148