August 2022 – State of Play

It’s a common fact in the global arena that weakness leads to instability, and to inappropriate and desperate measures.  What we’re seeing today is very much on par with that trajectory, and it’s very worrisome.

Remember a few months back when we discussed the Ukraine invasion?  Recall how this was facilitated by a weak American foreign policy, highlighted by the Afghanistan debacle (both left and right organizations now calling it what it was:  The most screwed up departure since Saigon, for those of us that watched that unfold live, on CBS).  Most experts on both sides now agree that had a stronger president been in office, Putin may have re-thought his moves.  Remember four legs of the stool:  Russia, China, North Korea (PRK), and Iran.  Our weakness has opened the door for Taiwan to be invaded, as Xi has no fear of Biden.  Now China is practicing blockades around Taiwan, they fired missiles that struck all around Taiwanese waters in the last few days, and now Japan is saying they will step up to defend Taiwan.  Australia may join, and the US may be pulled in.  Make no mistake – our economic ties to Taiwan are huge.  And the third leg in the stool – PRK – has offered troops to Putin and ignores White House contacts.  And the fourth leg, Iran?  They are reportedly within weeks of a nuclear bomb, despite Biden begging them to rejoin the JCPOA.  Their stated first target:  Israel.  That will absolutely draw us and Europe into a full-blown war.

And Biden’s visit to Saudi “Pariah” Arabia?  Well, now OPEC and the Saudis have severely decreased their output growth to only 100,000 barrels per day because, again, they don’t like Biden and they like the high prices.  And latest developments:  Xi is heading to Saudi Arabia now, as the Saudi Crown Prince is totally ignoring Biden’s calls, and a relationship forged in the days of Roosevelt is severely damaged.

Did you know that Saudi AramCo has made the largest profit in history (of really any company) this year and has financed the buying of $7 Billion in US company stocks?

And this latest three-quarter trillion dollar “Inflation Reduction Act” bill?   Have you looked into this one?  Wow.  Just … wow.  87,000 new IRS agents.  AND massive new regulatory powers.  Did you know:  The CBO has now told congress that at least $20 Billion of the audit proceeds from those 87K new agents will come from those making UNDER $400K per year.  And the so-called subsidies for electric vehicles?  $7500.  But – You must have batteries where the materials AND the manufacturing are all from the US (manufacturing) and North America (mined materials).  But – The newly-over-regulated EPA isn’t allowing mining for those rare-earth materials here.  Today you can only get a max of half that credit, and only on some vehicles.  By 2029, because the percentage requirement grows from 50% to 100% American-sourced and made, you’ll get $0.  Did you know that?

Did you know that over 250 noted economists (heads of several Ivy-League colleges, among others) all signed a letter saying this Inflation Reduction Bill was anything but that?  No caveats. Like the so-called Nobel Laureates Biden cited as supportive, but then they all heavily caveated their statements.

But last week we crossed a bridge that will take years to recover from:  The FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago.  Now, I know some of you will staunchly say “nobody is above the law!” – mostly because you despise Trump.  I get that.  Here’s a newsflash:  Most GOP aren’t fond of him, either…  We never have been.  But (and this is a BIG but):  His policies were extremely powerful on all fronts.  Those of you that disagree, I point you to my past posts to see the actual, factual results, to remind you.  But what you should understand is that the GOP are generally very, very pro-law; pro-police; pro-fair play.  And that, my friends, is at the heart of what makes us so very incredibly angry at the double standards and complete lack of caring by too many of our friends that vote for the other side.  Let’s review that again:

  • Did you know … that when Hillary was found to have classified information outside of government walls, she was subpoenaed to bring that information in by the FBI and Congress?  You remember what she did, right?  She destroyed over 30,000 email records, and hired Bleachbit to erase and scrub her hard drives, and she took a hammer to her personal blackberry.  Fact; not fiction.  Did you care?  This is EXACTLY what they raided M-A-L trying to find.
  • Did you know that Trump was fully cooperating with the records archives people, followed their requests, and even received a letter from them noting his cooperation and their appreciation?  Just weeks before the raid?  Let’s see if they release the affidavit.
  • Did you know that the over $30M spent on the Russian collusion investigation, special counsel, hearings, etc., was proven to be a total hoax and now people are being charged (including the FBI agents convicted of falsifying FISA warrants).  But do you care?  That, in and of itself, should horrify every person in the US.  Sitting congressmen lied over and over on national TV that they had seen the evidence.  Total lies. 
  • Did you know that the Pelosis (Paul and Nancy) have made tens and possibly hundreds of millions of dollars while Nancy has been in office, and rapidly accelerated during her two times as speaker?  Did you know that Paul has made several investment moves that coincided very, very closely with bills being passed in the House under Nancy, that yielded millions in returns for Paul?  In some cases, Paul dumped stocks before bills were to impact them (Nvidia is a good example).  The fastest and largest growth in wealth of any US congressperson in history.  Did you know?  Do you even care?

We should all be on the same side, yet some tolerate this double standard?  No – both sides do NOT do this.  Period.  But if you disagree, show me.  I always want to understand when I am mistaken.  Show me where the GOP leadership has weaponized the FBI and DOJ and falsified documents, warrants, etc.  Show me. 

None of this is conspiracy or some right-winged ploy.  None of it.  Yet too many of us tolerate it because “it’s not Trump”.  Again, news flash:  We don’t all like him personally, either, but at least the playing field was made more even for everyone.  Seriously – go read my past research before making an emotional statement that isn’t supported by the facts.

Even Brian Stelter (CNN host) pivoted last Sunday saying the Hunter Biden story isn’t just “right wing media” when Stelter originally referred to the Hunter story as a “classic example of the right-wing media machine”.  He, too, is now calling the laptop information real and a “real problem for the Bidens” that implicates Joe and his family in massive China dealings and connections, all Joe has denied over and over, and many that question his level of exposure with China.

So, you wonder why the GOP is so angry?  Because double standards are all over this democrat party leadership, and they’ve even weaponized the FBI.  For years.  Now FBI whistle-blowers are going to congress to alert them of all of this.  But Garland – he doesn’t care.  And Wray – he doesn’t care.  But every single one of us outside of that beltway should.  But half of us don’t.  And that’s not just sad, it’s dangerous.

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148