December 2021 – In Case We Thought the Crisis was Waning…

Thought for the morning:  In case you thought the crisis was waning…    

When asked about the border crisis, the White House is taking the official stand of “we can’t be bothered with it right now”.  They really want this to go away.  So, let’s take a look at the numbers made public just in the last few days:

In the Rio Grande Valley alone, since October 1, border agents have apprehended over 112,000 people – up over 167% from a year ago.

Looking at RGV (Rio Grande Valley) – in that sector CBP saw (for fiscal 2021) a 508% increase in apprehensions over fiscal 2020.  508%!  “The highest we’ve ever seen since we started keeping track decades ago” – a border patrol special operations supervisor direct quote – Christian Alvarez, if you want his actual name.  Yuma:  Up 542%.  Del Rio alone up 1,200%!!

1.74 million illegal crossings in fiscal 2021 (that were apprehended – most to be later released under Biden policies).

And does anyone … anyone at all … wonder why several states have sent their National Guard to help Texas?  And Arizona is now deploying their guard on the border?  But our president “can’t be bothered with that” right now? 

But that’s not all:  In November, border agents apprehended over 175,000 people.  Just November.

And we talk about the drugs flowing across the border…  Do you know that Swedish Med Center – here in Denver – has seen an 8x increase in opioid overdoses cases, well-surpassing anything they deal with in covid volumes?  This is real, folks.  Very, very real.

And in Phoenix yesterday, it was announced that the largest fentanyl bust in Arizona history has taken in over 1.7 MILLION pills, most with lethal doses, with a street value of over $9 million dollars.  There was enough in this bust to kill over 700,000 people, according to the officials. 

Did you know that?  Those are just the ones they caught. 

But let’s not deploy the already-paid-for wall and security/technology package because the mean-tweeter started all of that work…  Seriously?  This is a real problem.  Like I offered before, I will personally pay moving expenses for ANY of you that thinks this isn’t real to move to those sectors, just for a few months, and see if you can even safely walk out your front door or have your kids play in their own yard.  You would be amazed and horrified.  I know people in those sectors.  This is very real and coming to every city.

Meanwhile, The White House is trying to turn attention away:  Joe’s touting a totally false message about the economy and how well people are doing, in a statement this week saying that “Americans have over $100/month more in their pockets, after adjustment for inflation.”  Every sane economist in American has pushed back with simple math:  If wage growth is 4% and inflation is flying past 6%, that adds up to a decrease in your pocket…  Simple math, folks.

And you wonder why the NYT published an editorial this week telling Joe not to run in 2024.  A liberal rag.  And CNN has even started to turn on him.  With poll numbers in the 30-40% range across all issues and demographics, should anyone be surprised?  By all major metrics thus far, he is already surpassing Jimmy Carter – that’s not the historical marker to put on a resume.  All he’s missing now is a major international conflict to bungle…  Which I hope he doesn’t get.  Afghanistan was (is) already his Tehran (for those of us that remember).

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148