January 2022 – Who’s Really Driving the Escalating Drug War?

I really don’t want any of my friends to be crusaders.  I’d rather nobody ever be a crusader.  Why, you ask?  Simple:  Most people that end up being a crusader for a cause are doing so because of something bad happening in their lives.  Not always… but very often.  Take MADD from the 70s and 80s.  Mothers Against Drunk Driving.  Remember that?  The majority of those founding moms were there because they lost a child to a collision involving a drunk driver.

I fear we are getting ready to see a massive spike in crusaders, as we watch the drug invasion escalate.  Did you know that we spiked to new records on all major drugs seized across the border this year?  Meth.  Heroine.  Cocaine.  And yes, Fentanyl.  In fact, Fentanyl was the one that more than doubled in border seizures!

Here’s the rub:  We seized a massive amount of drugs.  That’s good.  But we did so with a severely depleted CBP team.  Did you know that CBP is down at least 2,300 officers, agents, and specialists as of a few months ago (the number is climbing).  Did you know that congress is in the process of not funding them enough to staff those shortages?  This could be seen as defunding, perhaps?  So, let’s review:  They have seized more drugs than ever with fewer resources to close all the gaps.  Logic and common sense provide the most likely insights and conclusions:  Even more drugs are flowing past these agents than ever before, because they just can’t be in as many places to plug the holes in border intrusions.

And the proof is there on the streets:  Denver hospitals are reporting massive spikes in overdose patients, taking up way more beds than covid.  Recently the head of emergency services at Swedish Med Ctr reported an 8x spike in those cases.  We are now losing the entire population of Boulder, Colorado (over 100,000 people) each year … just to Fentanyl.  That’s an average of 6 people per day, per state.  Every single major city is reporting significant spikes in fentanyl deaths.  Every one of them.  Most of those are metropolitan deaths, so if you look at the largest cities around the country it’s more like 15 people per day in those areas. 

But here’s the biggest rub that nobody seems to want to talk about:  It is extremely well documented that most of that Fentanyl is being made in China.  Communist China, where every single industry is majority state-owned.  Even McDonalds.  It would be incredibly naïve for anyone to think there is an underground, covert industry in China, producing tens of millions of neatly-packaged opioids, crating them up, and shipping them all over the worlds (mostly to Mexico for US insertion), and all the payments are flowing back through secret channels that the Chinese government has no knowledge about.  Incredibly naïve.  They know exactly what they are doing, they know why, they know the impacts they are causing, and they don’t care. 

When do we stop ignoring that China is deliberately harming us?  Wouldn’t it be nice to recognize and act on that little nugget of pure fact before we all again have to become crusaders?

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148