September 2021 – A Plethora of Messes…

Where to start…  Let’s start here:  After years of accumulating evidence that Huawei (Chinese Telecom giant that is accused of multiple incidences of IP theft, espionage, and other illegal activities) is a very bad player, the Justice Department filed charges against top executives.  When the CFO arrived in Canada, she was advised the US had requested her not be allowed to return to China, pending extradition for several fraud charges.  This was a couple years ago.  The Chinese government retaliated by arresting 2 Canadian businessmen, and threw them into a Chinese jail.  Ms. Weng (the CFO and daughter of the billionaire head of Huawei) was under house arrest in her multi-million-dollar Vancouver mansion.  And yesterday, the US negotiated a “prisoner swap” that got the Canadian pawns back and released the CFO back to China.  She received a hero’s welcome on arrival in China.  Setting a precedent of weakness.  Yep.  Again.

Of course, let’s not forget the $3.5 TRILLION dollar “Human Infrastructure” deal the White House is driving through congress right now.  Almost the entire GDP of the country, for one year, wrapped up in one massive spending bill that gives free childcare, free community college, forces unionization on certain work sectors, etc.  It’s all “paid for” – no… no, folks, it’s not.  Taxing the so-called rich and businesses to pay for this does have economic consequences.  And by the way – let’s not forget that over 40% of the current federal tax base is paid … wait for it … by those very same rich people.  Not you.  Not me.  Them.  The job creators.  The people that have money in the bank that allows for 10:1 Fed reserve lending to small businesses by those same banks.  Recall what happened to the economy when the Evil Orange One cut those taxes:  The Fed tax revenues INCREASED.  Go look it up.  The jobless rate PLUMMETTED across all categories.  All of them.  Multiple industries relocated BACK to the US.  Wages across the LOWEST wage groups increased at the fastest pace in over 2 DECADES.  Again – go look it up, don’t take my word for it.  And now Joe wants to reverse all that.

And oil – now passing $80/barrel for the first time in 3 years, and natural gas also closing at almost 3-year highs.  Good thing we cut our oil leases and our domestic production, Joe.  Brilliant move.  Now the White House is begging OPEC to increase production, but they have NO incentive to do so.  We rely on them again.  Brilliant!  We are falling away from being a net exporter of energy as we speak.  And it’s a good thing we’re going all green – and paying those high union wages for solar panels, right?  Nope – we’re importing tens of thousands of solar panels from … wait for it… China!  Joe’s on a roll now…

Not to be left behind, the southern border is a catastrophe that grows by the month.  Now Panama, at the UN General Assembly last week, has reported a monthly average of 800 migrants flowing through their country has swelled to now over 30,000 per month.  Didn’t see that in the news, did you?  Guess where they’re ALL headed?  And in other news, of the last group COVID-tested this past week by Texas DPH (since the Feds don’t test migrants), they ran a 40% positivity rate.  3 weeks ago that was a 20% rate.  Wow.  And we’re approaching 2 million released into the US since Joe took office.  The NGOs don’t have the resources to manage that flow.  And we don’t have the resources to feed, house, educate, and provide healthcare for this large of a group, this fast.  And now they are tracking another massive caravan making their way through Mexico – apparently the largest in a while, if not ever.

But probably the biggest lowlight of the day was the Generals who were testifying on Capitol Hill today. Each one testified that he advised Joe to keep at least 2,500 troop in Afghanistan (with occasional surges as needed), and that all their intel from the last several months agreed … all of it … that the Taliban would overrun the country upon a full US exit.  They also testified, under oath, that Al Qaeda would resurge and be in position to strike the US mainland or interest within 12-36 months.  Why is this important?  Simple:  Joe said many times the following:  “All my generals agreed that we should not leave any troop presence in Afghanistan.  All of them” Then in the same interview a few minutes later he said, “They were split”.  Then he said “We’re not leaving until we get everyone out.”  All of these statements to George Stephanopoulos, from ABC, in an interview.  Then, “Al Qaeda has been decimated” and, “We were held to a deal by the past administration”.  Those statements, among others, when he addressed the nation to try to explain this mess he created.  All of these statements were lies, especially if we’re grading using the same scale many used for Trump over the years, except these were not “stretches or exaggerations” then labeled as lies – these were flat-out lies that were directly contradicted by his own Chairman of the JCS and other generals.  And it cost 13 American lives and over 160 Afghan lives.  Sorry – hard truth time.

And one more thing:  If Joe was “held to a deal Trump made” (which he wasn’t, and changed the terms of the deal if you go actually research and READ the original deal), then why wasn’t he also held to:

The secure border deals Trump made?

Exiting the JCPOA deal that he’s now trying to re-enter with Iran?

Exiting the Paris Climate Accords, where we were paying billions and other countries were paying nothing and had no mandates on decreases (e.g., China, Brazil, etc.)?

… And others he has reversed course on, via 63 executive orders and other actions since taking office.

I’ll close with this quote I ran across today (hopefully quoted accurately, and not trying to offend, but rather give my liberal friends a little ribbing):  “It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.” -Thomas Sowell

But I’ll always try.  Have a great evening, everyone –

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148