September 2021 – Are we surprised?  And this has potential to get worse…

In the haste to load up supposed refugees from Afghanistan, we ended up flying out over 130,000 people, of which less than 4% (approx. 5,000) were SIV (Special Immigrant Visa) applicants or holders.  No vetting.  No general safeguards in place.  Yet the Administration hailed it as a great success. All while hundreds, and potentially over 1,000 Americans were left behind, and over 10,000 Afghan people slated for US SIV status (that were assisting our efforts for years on the ground).  So, who came over?

Well, if Fort McCoy (Wisconsin) is any indication, then here’s what you probably didn’t see in your national news feed (it was carried by mostly local affiliates around Fort McCoy and a couple national outlets…):

Two Afghan men are now facing federal charges at Fort McCoy for –

Afghan #1:  Raping and beating his wife

Afghan #2:  Sexual assault on a child (2 children – both boys, actually)

Meanwhile, many refugees are arriving with Measles – and 1 in 6 of those are at Fort McCoy. 

My thoughts on this overall:  Of course, we should have taken the time (as was the original previous plan) to evacuate those actually on our lists.  Then the others also wanted to leave should be vetted, and allowed if cleared.  However … if that was going to happen, we should have stayed and maintained control of the country a little while longer, to give us (and our allies) time to run that process.  Now we see Greece and other countries bolstering their borders (fencing, and yes, walls) for the expected trans-Turkey foot traffic of refugees they are expecting from Afghanistan – just like they experienced from Syria in recent years.  Europe is still reeling from that cultural clash.

And in other immigration news:  We are now on pace to pass 2,000,000 illegal immigrant encounters at the border since January (not including so-called “got-aways”), the Del Rio Haitian encampment is resulting in 70-80% being released into the US, the horseback video “whipping of migrants” was a hoax – nobody was whipped, and the video illustrates that clearly.  The border officers were attempting to grab those Haitians running from capture.  They also pursue those trying to evade them while the officers are on foot, in a boat, or in a truck.  Let’s not forget the Haitian men that took over a bus this week and tried to escape, and that attacked 3 ICE officers after landing in Port au Prince.

And now, as Biden’s poll numbers are declining, he has actually dropped below Trump on an approval rating among independents.  By 2%.  He used to be ahead by 20%.  What’s next in this set of policy debacles?  Inquiring minds want to know… 

This craziness, not to mention the inflation that had outpaced service industry wage growth by a substantial amount, the Administration begging OPEC to increase oil output (they said no, incidentally), the clearing of the block to the Russian gas pipe to Germany, the recent purchase of Chinese drones by the FBI and Secret Service – after that was banned by the DoD as a serious threat to National Security (I’m guessing those weren’t made by good-paying union jobs?), and … shall I go on?  We need a serious change, and no more theatre.  Starting in 2022.

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148