September 2021 – “There’s a need, whether true or not”

We’ve all seen the unfolding and escalating mess in Afghanistan over the last month.  Last week we learned of a July 23rd phone call between Biden and Ghani (Afghan President) where Joe promised air support through at least the end of August, if Ghani could present a plan to change the perception, “whether true or not” (Joe’s quoted words, from the transcript leaked to Reuters), that the war against the Taliban was going well.  Okay, some of us learned it that are paying attention.

Everyone knew it wasn’t going well.

Everyone knew that we pulled out troops before securing almost $100 billion dollars in US arms, including hundreds of thousands of small arms, thousands of advanced night-vision goggles, hundreds of attack aircraft, over 10,000 military vehicles, including armored ones, and several dozen Blackhawk helicopters (you know – the one in the air last week over Kabul, flown by the Taliban, shown to thrown a man out the door with a rope around his neck, left hanging as the helicopter continued to fly).

Everyone knew that we left what the State Department said was approximately 100 US citizens… and now that number is fast re-approaching 1,000.  Everyone knew that we were supposed to bring out thousands of allies, SIV holders, that assisted the US military… and we only got a few.  Everyone knows now that of the 120,000 evacuees that the administration claims made their mission an overwhelming success, less than 6,000 were the ones we specifically wanted to get out.  There remain over 10,000 that we didn’t.  Some are now murdered.  Most, if not all, are in hiding.

Or, maybe you didn’t know.  Almost none of these statistics – now verifiable – are being aired by the Big 5 networks.  None.  But it’s easy to find the stats. 

Did you know that several private organizations with private donors and crews of former US Special Forces are now back in Afghanistan, to evacuate those left behind – as many as they can get to?  Did you know that a mother and her 3 children – ALL US citizens – were refused admission to the airport on 3 separate occasions by the Taliban, even though the State Department said “come now, you’ll be allowed to pass”? They weren’t, so they went into hiding.  The US private team found her, just as the Taliban were searching for her, and they led them to a private charter at Mazar-i-Sharif airport, but the flight wasn’t allowed to leave.  So, the team quickly made their escape overland to a neighboring country border and crossed just before the Taliban shut down that checkpoint.  This is happening in many parts of that country right now, incidentally.

This team, and the US Congressman backing them, were outraged to hear the State Department, and Jen Psaki, take credit for their safe escape.  They had NOTHING to do with it.  All they did in the end was greet the family after they made it to the other country.  That’s it.

I’m betting you also didn’t know that there are 7 charters at that same airport that are currently not allowed to leave?  And the US State Department has cleared none of them to land at a US military base, or to fly to the US.  The people registered to be onboard are US Citizens or SIV holders!  This is what is going on right now…

But don’t take my word for it – GO RESEARCH this yourself.  Really.  Because the Big 5 have carried zero of this, from what I have watched.  The 6th network – yes, the evil Fox – has carried most of it.  But remember, it wasn’t Fox that brought out the transcript; it was Reuters.  That’s where I first found it.  It wasn’t Fox that brought out the lies by the State Department – it was a US congressman (the family were his constituents).  Fox did report it, though.  So, shame on them for airing this, right?

The previous plan was nothing like what unfolded here – please don’t respond with “Trump started this”.  No.  Go look at the plans that were negotiated and well-understood, and the extraction of civilians and materials planned before abandoning strategic positions.  That was all – yes, ALL – abandoned by Joe.  He wanted to get to 600 troops ASAP.  So, we left Bagram.  We then left the Embassy.  And then we held only one position.  A single airport.  That departing planes took fire from.  And then we left those we said we wouldn’t leave.  Well, actually Joe said that.

And one last thought:  Telling a foreign leader to create a perception, even if a lie, in the form of a plan or we would not supply air support?  What would you call that?  Quid Pro something-or-other?  But the Dems are silent on this one.  A real provable one, too.    

Oh, wait – one last, last thought:  The 5 Guantanamo prisoners we exchanged for Bergdahl (Army sergeant that deserted his post and was captured) under Obama/Biden?  4 have now been named to senior positions in the new Taliban government.  And the hits just keep rolling on…

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148