July 2021 – Progress at the Border? Depends on which Border…

I’ve continued observing the crisis at the U.S. southern border, to see what progress is being made and where; it appears the problems continue and are not lessening, which is unfortunate. It also is increasingly tragic, as the death toll and sexual abuse reports, all prior to reaching the border, continue to rise significantly.

But what are the numbers? Well, for May let’s look at apprehensions: Those apprehensions are up over 874%, with over 180,000 people apprehended by CBP in that month alone. *It’s important to note average monthly immigration apprehensions run near 30,000 people/month across the last 7-8 years.* The methods and practices are become more refined now as well: When CBP agents are engaged with one group, that serves as a decoy for others to cross. What has this also now resulted in? A massive escalation in illegal drugs crossing the border and getting into U.S. circulation. One of the biggest and most dangerous drugs making it into the states: Fentanyl. In May alone seizures of Fentanyl were up over 4,000%. Not 400%…4,000%. Most of these drugs are traced back to Chinese production, on-shored in Mexico, and smuggled into the U.S. Keep in mind, Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 50x-100x more potent than morphine. It is deadly: Over 36,000 dead in the U.S. in 2019 alone.

The reports from ranchers and citizens in border towns are not being carried in most national media. The bodies being found in the rivers and on open land aren’t being carried by those outlets, either. The crime surges in U.S. border and near-border towns (including assaults, robberies, burglaries, etc.) aren’t being carried, either. It goes against the narrative. A Dem Texas congressman went on air yesterday and said the border reports, crime stats, dangerous situations, etc., are blatantly false stories. He was met immediately with backlash from both GOP AND Dem elected officials saying he was completely wrong and had no business making those statements. One invited him to come see for himself. I am not aware if his office responded to that.

This has put Texas in crisis, and as a result, Governor Abbott has sent his National Guard to back up CBP, who aren’t being allowed to enforce Federal Law. Not Trump law… Federal Law (all pre-Trump). He is also allocating Texas dollars to restart wall and infrastructure construction; most of the materials are still there, laying on the ground, awaiting use. There are plenty of videos of construction materials, bought and paid for, laying unused since Biden ordered a halt to construction.

But this is getting even better: 7 states (and possibly growing) are sending their own National Guard – on a volunteer basis – to help Texas, because the Federal Government won’t do what is required by Federal Law. Those states have received private funding to help offset guard deployment costs.

And now several Texas Counties, their Sheriffs, and the Federal Police Foundation (representing ICE agents) are suing Biden and his DHS leadership team for not following federal law, including small little issues like no longer deporting undocumented criminal immigrants (specific cases include rape of a child, drug dealing and trafficking, etc.).

And through all of this, I found sad humor in the latest proposed Dem budget making its way through committee in Washington as we speak. Here’s a couple small tidbits:

– Reducing the budgets for ICE and CBP. No funding for additional agents. A net $927M defunding year on year.

– Putting in $870M for … wait for it … providing border security aide to several Middle East Countries! Those countries: Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, and Oman

My opinion: A disappointing and a skewed set of priorities. We are now using several military bases in Texas and California and convention centers to house unaccompanied children, so they are now under HHS custody, not CBP. The administration touted how the numbers of children dropped for CBP … but the media outlets immediately caught the shell game. In April we were spending $60M per WEEK to house and care for all the undocumented people crossing into the U.S. That number is largely unchanged.

But here’s another fact: In a senate hearing in March, it was disclosed that DHS has awarded an $86.9M contract, via a Texas non-profit, to house undocumented families in hotels. It was further disclosed that housing just 1,200 families for 6 months was a taxpayer cost of $71,000 per person. For a family of 4, we are spending $284,000 in six months! More than enough to buy a small house. And, one more thing: That Texas non-profit (“Endeavors”), in 2018, received $38M in contributions. They spend 58% of that money on salaries. They don’t employ that many people…

Food for thought. Draw your own conclusions and vote accordingly.

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148