Mar 2021 – Full Circle “Hypocrisy” Politics

Isn’t this interesting… So, Obama/Biden create youth detention centers when they encounter unaccompanied minors and also have to separate minors from family members at the border. Media: Crickets. Staring at the stars. Drinking a cold beverage. Out to lunch. Or, perhaps just trying to locate their heads (I could tell them where they *might* be located, but this is a family show…).

Trump comes in, uses the EXACT same facilities … and expands the separation program as parents are charged with illegal crossing (as is written … in the law … not made up – it’s actually in the, you know, LAW … from well before Trump). But now these kids – in the EXACT SAME facilities – are martyrs, in cages, in horrible, inhumane conditions. At least according to the media. Film footage is aired by the suddenly “woke” media – but the only problem is that it’s later proven to be substituted footage of some inhumane outdoor chain-link facilities that aren’t even in the US or controlled by the US. But the media never admits the error, and most of us never hear about the deliberate misleading that just happened. Some footage of the initial holding area – for everyone – that is sheltered and chain-linked, was also portrayed as the longer term facility, which was flat-out incorrect, as those people were processed from there and then transported to those detention facilities.

Nonetheless, CBP does lighten up on the program expansion.

Enter Biden, riding in on his trusty steed … With his new immigration policy starting to take shape, CBP is seeing 10X and growing border encounters (they’re still seriously understaffed – not because of budget, but because nobody wants the job when they can’t do their job – well documented comments from CBP agents). This week the are opening and expanding those EXACT SAME facilities for youth again. Those were able to mostly close under Trump because crossing of minors fell incredibly sharply. But now, deterrence is gone and here they come – right back into the same “cages” Biden slammed in his campaign. They’ve been “revamped” when Psaki was asked about it (and no, the main stream guys were out to lunch, drinking a beverage, staring at the stars, and trying to find their heads…again… so they were NOT the ones who asked). But no, in fact, they are the exact same, air-conditioned modular container buildings they have always been, dating back to Obama. This has been verified by the officials that, you know, RUN those facilities.

Isn’t it interesting that Harris campaigned against these facilities – including the one re-opening in Homestead, FL, but now is onboard with bringing them back online, due to this administration’s reversal of Trump border policies?

Do I sound cynical? I know. But really – why shouldn’t I? Why shouldn’t everyone look at this event – through 3 different lenses, in three different time periods, and see how drastically different they are painted and not be cynical?

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148