Mar 2021 – Letting a Good Crisis go to Waste

Thoughts for the evening:  “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste”  (similar quotes all said by Rahm Emanuel, Nancy Pelosi, and others, including Churchill)

And here we are.  With over a trillion dollars still left to be spent from the last COVID relief bill, the democrats in Washington have really taken full advantage of their slim majority.  I really don’t believe most of my dem friends support this, but they all did vote to keep Degette, Neguese, Crow, and place Hickenlooper into this …. (explicative) show.  Sorry – but I do not, under any circumstances, support the mess that is being rapidly created by these people in D.C., and I can honestly say I am a staunch fiscal conservative, even though I also consider myself otherwise moderate. 

You cannot tell me that a new $1.9 trillion dollar COVID bill – that has roughly 200 billion — yes — two hundred billion (9% of the overall bill) – actually set aside for COVID relief, vaccinations, etc., is a wise idea.  591 pages.  Go read it.  Or just (ignorantly) color in those boxes for these people again in 2022.  DID YOU KNOW:

  • This bill – supported by our elected dems guys from Colorado – has over $700B that won’t even be spent until AFTER 2022?   More also being held until after 2024?  Did you?  Nope.  I know.  None of that is for COVID – it’s for pork programs the dems put on their wish list… again.
  • This bill – pays for a BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) underground tunnel – for Pelosi (right next to her district, but she added this)
  • This bill – forms an equity commission for socially disadvantaged farmers??  For over $1B?
  • This bill – bails out state pension funds in states that are underwater?  I am HAPPY to provide the ranking list of states – almost all blue, and the only thing they have that’s red is their budgets.  Start with NY and CA. Follow closely with IL, NJ, etc.  Rinse and repeat.
  • This bill – bails out state budgets to the tune of $350B in those SAME states. 
  • This bill – sends $750B to the CDC – not for the US – but for “global health problems, and vaccinations in other countries” – note the wording – not just COVID.  There is way, way more latitude in the bill for whatever they like.
  • This bill – offers loan forgiveness to farmers based on race and ethnicity. Really?
  • Places $50B into grants for Environmental Justice programs (WTH?)
  • I won’t even go into the Arts and Humanities endowments (billions) shoved in here as well (again)

The list goes on.  It gives more money to schools.  Why?  There was over $68B in the last bill for schools.  They’ve only spent $4B so far. 

This is why we need a moderate yet fiscally conservative set of voices to get control over this ridiculousness.  I didn’t say GOP.  I said moderate yet fiscally conservative.   It seems we still have people that are hell-bent on voting anything non-GOP.  And here we are.  45 exec orders into it, and a laundry list (like an industrial sized laundry list – not just a few socks) of pork to repay buddies, and an energy sector that is just starting to see the nightmare unfolding.  I’m sorry – but before someone responds with a “GOP does it too” – my response is “show me the bill”.  Show me.  Show me the signed legislation.  The last COVID bills weren’t authored by GOP, they negotiated as far as they could to get it done, and were still openly disgusted with what they had to give the other side in pork.  Because right now the line is really “show me the money” – and the current set of elected democrat marauders are doing exactly that, right now.

Sorry.  I should have said “print me the money” – because we don’t have it.  Fault of both sides on that one, overall.  But we’re surely going to print it and send it to mismanaged states…  Again.

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148