Jan 2021 – Day 1 of the new Administration

Wow.  Part of the day was laughter, the other part was, “seriously?  Did you really do that?”.  I’ll cut them a little slack, but geez…

Let’s start with CNN circulating a report that Operation Warp Speed left no logistics/distribution plan for the incoming administration.  This was debunked – same day today – by both the Liberal Washington Post AND Dr. Fauci, on air, live. 

Then came the expectations setting, where Biden promised 100M vaccines given in 100 days.  His secretary played that number down a bit today.  But then it was revealed that the previous administration was up to a daily average of 939,000 … as of the inauguration time.  So, almost there anyway.  Why play it down?

Then came the daily press briefing, where Jen Psaki, new press secretary, was asked about the wall construction being stopped.  Her response was that it’s been proven that the wall doesn’t work.  She failed to list by whom it was proven.  But within the HOUR several CBP agents and the former CBP head went on record saying that was a “flat out lie to the American people” by the press secretary, that has never been proven, and that the wall has been an integral part of keeping agents safe, the border more secure, and it has “absolutely, unequivocally been working”.  Huge anger in CBP today from that.

Sounds like what the Trump press briefing were accused of?  Wait?  Isn’t his team gone now?

And then there was Pete Buttigieg, incoming secretary of transportation (former mayor of, yes, South Bend, Indiana with no relevant experience in transportation), responding to Ted Cruz who asked about the thousands of jobs lost with the Keystone XL cancelation, very smugly saying those workers can all go get other good paying union jobs.  He didn’t say from where…

And then there’s the 250 book editors that have signed a letter saying anyone associated with the last administration (in the administration, in congress, and in other prominent roles) should be completely blacklisted from any book publishing deals.  They started with Sen. Josh Hawley’s book deal – Simon and Schuster canceled it in protest for his objecting to the Pennsylvania electors.  In 2016 several democrat Congressmen and Congresswomen objected to the Trump votes being counted.  CNN even has the play-by-play of all of them, online still today.  They didn’t get blacklisted.  There were even gallery protestors that had to be led out by police.  But never mind that.

To top it off, I received a private message from a former colleague in Central America, who was chuckling a bit because the Biden immigration exec order was circulating down there in the papers and on TV – the trending topic is that “Biden has given us 100 days to get to the US”.  Nice. 

ONE of the executive orders (there was more) for immigration from Biden was to revoke Trump’s order 13768, which actually said: (1) enforce EXISTING immigration laws (they weren’t being enforced, for real – go check), (2) jurisdictions that refuse to enforce the existing laws will lose federal funding, (3) set priorities for deportation to focus first on people convicted of crimes, (4) hire 10,000 more officers, (5) enable (not require) state and local LEAs to act as immigration agents if necessary, (6) remove grants from sanctuary jurisdictions that refuse to comply with EXISTING law, and (7) work with countries that previously refused to accept their returning nationals (they were refusing to re-admit the bad guys that were their own citizens).

I won’t even comment on Pelosi’s statement today saying unity won’t be impacted by an impeachment trial.

Buckle up for day 2.  Next, I need to go read the Paris Accords re-entry and the Wall Construction stoppage orders.  I already researched Paris a while back – this won’t take long.   Those were a mess then – but I’ll re-familiarize everyone shortly. 

I’m not seeing the unity yet.  Looking for it.  Hoping for it.  Not seeing it.  But we are only on day 1.  Give it time.

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148