Dec 2020 – Senate Homeland Security Hearing

I’m going out on a limb here, but I am guessing few, if any, of my friends watched the Senate Homeland Security Committee the week before Christmas, where they probed into 2020 election irregularities with witness testimony?  I rarely watch these, but this was extremely interesting and informative.  And guess what else – no conspiracy theories, just evidence read into the record.  It did little, if anything at all, to reinforce my confidence in the current election.

This is about fairness.  This is not about who won or lost.  If Trump won and these issues were out there, this would headline every channel, on every network, since Nov. 4th.

The part that made some news was Senator Johnson (chair) calling out Senator Peters (Ranking Member) from spreading disinformation by saying Sens. Johnson and Grassley were lying, Peters being called out at the time for it, asked to stop spreading it, continuing to spread it (a.k.a., lies – directly to the MSM), then to find out later that everything stated by Johnson and Grassley were, in fact, 100% true.  And then Peters went totally radio silent.

Another part that was interesting was the record reflecting the three (not one, not two, but three) letters written by Sens. Klobuchar, Warren, Peters, and a couple other less known dems, to both the FBI and the election software vendors in 2018 and 2019 for massive security gaps in their platforms that made them serious security risks for tampering, intrusion, and improper adjudication of votes.  These have not been addressed or corrected, the committee noted, yet the letter authors are all silent today, except to say that they were not concerned… this time.

An excerpt from their Dec. 2019 letter:  In addition, these senators write, “Researchers recently uncovered previously undisclosed vulnerabilities in nearly three dozen back-end election systems in 10 States.” Just this year after the democratic candidate’s electronic tally showed he received an improbable 146 votes out of 55,000 cast in a Pennsylvania state judicial election in 2019, the county’s Republican chairwoman said, “Nothing went right on election day. Everything went wrong. That’s a problem. These problems threatened the integrity of our election.”

It was also fascinating to hear witness Chris Krebs talk about election security (he was the guy behind the “most secure election ever” statement) to have Rand Paul clarify with him that he was only referring to foreign intrusion into voting systems.  He had zero knowledge or information into “whether dead people voted” or inappropriate ballots being counted.  All other aspects of security and integrity – he has zero input.

It was interesting to hear James Troupis (former circuit court judge in Wisconsin and yes, an attorney for the Trump campaign in Wisconsin) testify, under oath, what the bi-partisan recount efforts found in that state (and were unable to exclude from the recount):  Over 3,000 ballots were not properly certified as completed as required by law (for all of us – in every state) – they were counted.  Another over 2,000 ballots were not initialed as properly received and recorded by the clerks – they were also counted.  This was almost all in Dane and Milwaukee counties.  No advance voting is allowed in WI; but what did they do?  They allowed people to go to a park and hand in ballots 5 weeks before the election.  They also placed boxes (unsecured) around the city, which is absolutely illegal under WI statute.  They can only vote in person or deliver to their clerk’s office.  There were over 17,271 ballots discovered from this alone.  They suspect there are tens of thousands more, but when the investigating started, suddenly (yes, suddenly) those ballots were co-mingled with others that came in through the proper channels, making it impossible to then separate them out.  Then there were up to 170,000 ballots that had not been properly registered to vote prior to the election – in fact, they were allowed to submit a ballot without a voter application.  Overall, there were over 3 million proper votes in WI, and over 200,000 votes that did not meet state statute that should not have been counted and have little, if any paper trail.

It was interesting to hear Francis Ryan, frmr. Marine Colonel, a CPA, and now sits in the Pennsylvania House of Reps since 2016.  He spoke at length of the massive, massive problems with the Penn mail-in system.  Mailed ballots that lacked a postmark were counted; if they lacked signature matches they were counted; they allowed a few certain counties – the night before the election – to notify party representative of ballots with defects so they could get those corrected.  In those certain counties watchers were not allowed to observe pre-canvassing and canvassing of mail-in and absentee vote processing.  The Sec of State can’t even agree on how many ballots were sent out – since they are trying to reconcile the fact that they got more back than were sent – they were first reporting up to 3.1M sent out, then 2.7M sent out.  They still can’t reconcile the difference, and neither count matches the larger number that were returned.  And counted.  When voting data from Nov 15 to Nov 16 was examined in one system, 75,505 more ballots showed on the 16th – yet NO additional data dumps were received to increase that number.  And no investigation was allowed by the courts.  The Penn state government committees trying to look into this have been “stymied” (his words) at every juncture.  Dominion even refused to show up, for fear of litigation, to a Nov 20 hearing.

Then there was Jesse Banal from Nevada:  2016 – 70,000 mail ballots.  2020 – 690,000 mail ballots.  Over 42,000 people, upon audit after the vote was certified, voted twice.  1,500 dead people voted.  19,000 people voted that did not live in Nevada (this already excluded military and students). 8,000 people voted from addresses that did not exist.  15,000 votes came from industrial or vacant addresses.  4,000 non-citizens voted.  Overall, 130,000 unique instances of voter fraud uncovered.  The evidence has (to date) not been refuted at all – only ignored.  There is a LOT more in his sworn testimony and evidence presented, including the banning of system data inspections after two Clark County IT professionals came forward to testify of data changes they couldn’t explain from close at night to re-opening the next day.  They were the IT admins. 

The findings of the courts were just as telling – they were not thrown out due to lack of evidence.  You’d be shocked to hear why they were dismissed.  You’d be shocked to hear what was not allowed to even be heard.  As usual, this post has gone too long already…  I’d encourage you to watch the hearing. 

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148