Dec 2020 – More News After The Election

“Now we have a new President-Elect” … Well, you get what you paid for.  Now it’s safe for facts to start trickling out into news reports, since Joe looks to be elected and the one so many hate is quite probably on his way out.  I’ve been collecting benchmarks for the last 4 years – including the Warp Speed accomplishments – just in case we need to re-litigate truth vs fiction later in a probable Joe or Kamala presidency.  Like Joe’s announcement on Tuesday to have 100 million “shots in arms” in the first 100 days… while the exact same time across town the Warp Speed workshop had Pfizer, Moderna, UPS, FedEx, CVS, and Walgreens all with the Doctors and Military Generals in the Warp Speed program talking about the triple-IOT radio’d shipping boxes, command centers, cold storage (all truly incredible) and the 100M vaccine pre-orders already given to both companies a few months ago by this task force, to pre-manufacture these and plan for distribution.  20M shots in December, 30M in January, 60M in February, etc. So it’ll already be done.  10-to-1 odds the media, in March, hails Joe for meeting his promise!

But that first quote above is from Nancy Pelosi, from a couple days ago, when asked why she is now willing to negotiate a relief package again.  Never mind that the other side of the aisle has offered several packages that she won’t even bring forward for debate.  Never mind that she said – in that same press conference a couple days back – that it would help Trump to get a package out before the election.  Never mind that over 97,966 business were shuttered permanently as over late September due to covid, and latest numbers all passing 100,000, and the latest shutdowns are adding almost 1,000 more per day to that list.  But Nancy has a critical piece she wants in the package:  Non-covid-related relief funding for states that were in budget crisis PRIOR to the pandemic.  I won’t go into why they were underwater – but it’s extremely easy to discover that on your own; they gave away far more than they could afford.  Look up the details, folks.

And nobody has provided rational explanations into the videos showing ballots being brought in after hours, pulled from under tables in roller trunks, etc., after watchers and counters are dismissed.  The videos are out there, for Georgia, Wisconsin, and Michigan.  All I personally want is a rational explanation.  That’s all.  The argument I’ve heard some say of, “I can’t believe all the republicans that fall for this conspiracy theory” has a simple response:  Just explain those videos to me.  Explain the spikes in Pennsylvania machine counts, over 670,000 in 90 minutes in one case, that the machines counting 3,000 votes each per hour were incapable of performing.  And the statistical anomaly of 97.4% of those particular votes all being for Joe.  That was in court transcripts, not OAN or Fox hype – COURT transcripts where, recall, the judge didn’t “throw it out” – he dismissed the case because the campaign and the poll watchers themselves weren’t given time to examine those ballots before certification, and the judge was “not willing to disenfranchise Pennsylvania voters” while this was being closely looked into.  But that’s not what you heard from your news feeds, was it? 

And the thousands of Georgian ballots now surfacing (so far) that had versions of the post office and fed ex offices and UPS offices as their residential addresses.  They found thousands more that listed commercial addresses as home addresses.  All were to gain absentee ballots.  Examples of these addresses used (a lot of them) have been posted online.  They added apartment and unit numbers to these false addresses to make them look real.  These are real ballot returns – their details posted online for us all to see.  Not “conspiracy”.  All illegal, incidentally.

Those same news feeds carried zero minutes of the Eric Swalwell revelations, where he was briefed by the FBI a few years back because his intern-turned-intern-with-benefits was, in fact, a Chinese spy now linked to also having relationships with 2 midwestern mayors (not yet disclosed on which cities).  Interesting that actually, to be fair, CNN did, in fact, carry a 3:26 minute interview with Swalwell, allowing him to defend himself, and link the leak about this to his work on the impeachment.  No, Eric, it was being worked on a year earlier by an investigative journalist (not Fox) and the story finally hit papers a week ago.  To Swalwell’s credit, he broke ties with Christine Fang (a.k.a. Fang Fang) right after the briefing.  But imagine how that would have leaked THEN and been a damaging news story if the name Swalwell was replaced with any GOP name.  Any of them.

But all of this is now coming out after the election.  Just like the 8-week phase 3 extension the FDA slapped on the trials for the vaccines, which pushed the results out till a week after the election.  Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca all have stated they were ready with results in late September… but they had to wait until the extensions were completed.

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148