Dec 2020 – News After the Election

“The only guy who made money out of China was this guy” (referring to Trump).  This was Joe, during the debates – direct quote – when asked about Hunter, Joe’s brother Jim, their shell company in bed with Chinese energy that just invested in a US-sanctioned Russian energy firm (highly illegal, incidentally).  But now we know the truth:  So far (just so far), Hunter has made over $10M from direct deposits from CEFC (the Chinese firm mentioned here).  That money was confirmed by Tony Bobulinski, the CEO Hunter hired for their firm, then later went around him when Tony wanted to ensure they were doing everything on the “up and up”.  That confirmation was via the reems of documents, emails, etc., that Tony provided to the FBI, to refute Joe’s claims, on stage, live, to millions of us.  Tony was not a Trump supporter or voter, incidentally.

And now we also have learned in the last 2 weeks that Hunter is the target of not one, but two DOJ, Delaware Federal Investigators, a Grand Jury, and FBI investigations into his dealings with Ukraine, Russia, and primarily China … this has been ongoing since 2018 and kept quiet by the DOJ until recently.  They didn’t want another Comey incident like when Comey said they were re-opening Hillary’s investigation.  Oh, and Jim Biden is also involved in another investigation by the DOJ and Delaware as well.  Don’t forget, the Obama supporters who had similar issues with the taxation part – they got fines and hands slapped.  But Manafort, who also had no money laundering issues, only tax violations, went to prison.   But if Joe is sworn in and these issues aren’t referred to a Special Counsel, Joe can kill all of them.  And the corruption goes on.

To date Joe is not implicated.  But Joe was also an alleged office mate with Hunter, Jill, and Jim (brother), along with Gongwen Dong (Chinese “emissary” as Hunter declared him, for CEFC, who worked for Hunter’s self-proclaimed “partner”, Chairman Ye).  Hunter had keys made for all of them…  And that is now confirmed not only with Hunter’s emails in the FBI investigation, but also the building landlords themselves in Wash DC. But Joe “never met with any of them” – despite the golf outing photos, among others, with all of them pictured.  And Jim’s response when Tony B asked about how they were keeping Joe covered on the surface, was one simple expression, “Plausible Deniability”.  Nice.

Did anyone besides a very, very few of us read the Senate 87-page report from September 2020?  The 12 chapters of detailed investigative – and factual, evidentiary information uncovered by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs?  It’s shocking, and disturbing, all the things that were perpetrated and ignored.  And still are.  You haven’t read it, have you?  This isn’t Adam Schiff on CNN lying about evidence he never, never had.  This is real.  Go read…

Not what you heard from your news feeds, was it?  Yup – that’s already out there now, as well, showing the censoring of the NY Post reporting on Hunter’s emails that was taken down by Twitter, and the zero-minute coverage (pre-election and thus far post election) on air by CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and NBC.  Zero.  They controlled the dialog and the narrative, because they know they have an audience that wants to hear no evil, unless it’s about Trump.

The new MRC poll reflects that.  49% of respondents were unaware of news on Biden overseas business dealings, sex assault allegations again Joe from the 90’s, the US achieving energy independence in the last 2 years, etc. While it was not as large a poll sample as most national polls, the poll did reveal that 17% of the voters that cast for Biden said they would have not cast for him had they read or seen these, especially the Dept of Commerce and DOJ investigations.

This is what we’ve voted in.  The swamp that caused Trump to get elected in the first place.  It’s back – you need look no further than the good ol’ boys and girls club from the Obama years that have resurfaced in cabinet positions.  Hardly the diverse cabinet Joe promised, is it?  Well done.

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148