Nov 2020 – Biden and China Money Laundering

As is often the case with an election cycle, the last days seem to be the craziest.  So, what’s the latest now?  The FBI confirmed that “the smartest guy” Biden knows (Hunter), is under investigation for money laundering and has been since 2019.  Email correspondences and files on Hunter’s hard drive corroborate those of Tony Bobulinski’s that were also turned over to the FBI (along with recorded calls, texts, the actual phones with the messages onboard, etc.), who now say, in agreement with the Senate committee investigating, that they all appear to be authentic – which ties Joe to illegal activities (making money off his position and dealing with a hostile foreign government, through his son and brother, while he was VP).  It’s also being looked into as to why career FBI investigators that had much of this info for over a year have done nothing with it, until the NYP article that exposed it (same FBI that altered FISA warrant applications, and participated in “cross-fire hurricane” activities – all which turned out to find no criminal activity by Trump but cost us over 3 years of national anger and dem house members going on camera lying – literally now proven to be lying – every night on the news channels). 

Hunter’s oligarchs in Ukraine, still under investigation by new investigators after Joe proudly got the other fired (which, when revisited by the Ukrainians, was found to be a sound investigation) have fled to China; Chinese agents represented by Hunter in business and now also criminal matters are in jail – and Hunter is now also being looked at for using dad’s influence to get meetings in Washington on behalf of the Chinese and the CEFC Chinese energy firm he, his Uncle Jim, and dad were partnering with and having Tony B. come in as CEO (Sinohawk Holdings).  And let’s not forget that CEFC entered into a partnership with the Biden’s firm, then invested in a 14% stake in the Russian energy firm sanctioned by the US, which is highly illegal, and that’s also being looked into.

When does all of this finally rise to the level of “stink” to many of my friends?  When do you set aside the “Trump did it too” argument – which, by the way, has never been proven, only alleged and then debunked (e.g., Russian investigation that was started under false pretenses that Schiff and Pelosi KNEW was a false narrative)? But here is clear evidence – still not denied by the Biden campaign, getting zero MSM coverage.  Zero.

But why stop there?  Now AOC is on camera saying the ACA did nothing for her and she couldn’t afford it on a waitress wage (a pitch for Medicare for all, I assume).  And Jack Dorsey of Twitter lies under oath about the twitter availability of the NYP tweet for their exposure of Hunter and Joe Biden and Twitter’s suppression of it (that Twitter blocked and suspended the account).  And then – to make matters even more angering for many – Twitter blocks and suspends the head of CBP for providing an update on the success of the border security and the wall, and called it hateful speech, when Twitter also simultaneously and fully allowed an Iranian leader to call for the destruction and death of Israel (Jack said that was allowed because Twitter considered that to only be “saber rattling”.  Seriously??).  And Mark Z of Facebook now says they improperly censored some political ads due to “technical issues”.  Wow.  Really?  Guess which ads…

And …and … if Joe wins next week, this all goes under the rug in late January, to the blindly blissful approval of their voters.

And through all of this, our economy (via re-openings that the Administration has pushed and pushed to make happen) is bouncing back faster than any other part of the world, with a mind-boggling 33% increase in GDP in Q3.  Meanwhile New Zealand is opening camps to keep people interred that refuse a test or are awaiting results, most of Euro is re-closing (and facing massive protests and riots), India is set to cruise past the US in infections, and the US death rate is now the lowest in the world (well over 99% survivability for those under 70), due to therapeutic advances and other measures.  This is still a crisis, but is it really being mismanaged?  Tell that to the business owners that are no more, and lives that are ruined.  As of later September, there are over 97,966 business that are now closed FOREVER due to shutdowns imposed.  Let me say that again:  97,966.  People dying is a tragedy – but this could be a far greater tragedy measured in deaths as well.

This is the double standard that republicans absolutely have no stomach for tolerating.  It’s not a pro-Trump thing – it’s about treating everyone the same under the law.  Take note:  If ANY other republican would be in office right now, facing this same treatment for the last 4 years, republicans would remain equally as outraged.  Go after Trump for anything you can drum up – but do nothing – absolutely nothing – when it’s your guy (or gal – in Hillary’s case, where we now know that she was drumming up false narratives with Trump and Russia, the Oval Office knew it, and sat back and did nothing except enable it).  This would be an entirely different conversation if fairness was actually a thing.  The current climate doesn’t heal – it divides further.

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148