Sep 2020 – Voting Rationale

Recently the temperature on social media has been going up as the election looms closer.  I’ll continue to evaluate policy positions, for everyone to read and make their own decisions around.  But I have also been asked why I’m voting for that guy.  That’s an answer that needs some context:

The question isn’t “why are you voting for him?” – that’s not the question to ask me, because I vote based on policies (and results, if an incumbent), and I see which candidate best fits my preferences.  It is, usually, more republican than democrat; but (to many of your surprise), I have voted the other side before in several levels of elections.  Again, I don’t get into the emotional game – that serves none of us any good, as should be painfully apparent today.

The question to ask me is really, “what are you voting in favor of or against?”  That one I can readily answer each time; this year is as follows:

  • I am voting against divisiveness.  I look firmly at the media for that blame, closely followed by the Dem leadership.  If you were fed that kind of rhetoric about me 24×7, you’d hate me, too, if you didn’t know me.  My perception is that Trump is constantly being attacked, and he fights back – but is not typically the instigator. Evidence:  A Harvard study showed up to 94% negative press on Trump BEFORE the election.   It’s been 93%-97% negative since, and as of mid-August there have been 150x more negative things said in the media about Trump than Biden, 95% negative (src: MS Business Journal, Todd Smith). 
  • I am voting for funding Law Enforcement.  Why? The media shows you the rare bad event – like George Floyd – horrible.  They show it for weeks, and the commentary has caused riots, destruction, and more death.  But the 2 officers assassinated in their patrol cars in NYC (1 officer killed every 54 hrs, FYI) – you saw it for a 60 second story, and then went about making your dinner.  The blue responds to over 650,000 911 calls and tens of thousands additional traffic stops – per DAY.  Dems have either not condemned what’s going on, vilified the police, and/or backed the protestors that then turned violent.  That is totally wrong.  Period.

*Imagine being called out at 3am to a suspicious party.. you arrive in a dark area, and contact a person.  Additional surrounding activity makes you realize you’re now the target, and as adrenaline is flushed into your system, you shut down half your senses in favor of the ones that help you focus on your safety.  You have a weapon drawn, and you have a list of protocols on when, how, and why to use it that you have to apply – at that moment, under that stress.  Now you have a body camera that records every move and sound you make – and dem DAs are very intent on scrutinizing you well before the possible bad guy.  And that’s when the brick hits you… 

Police need more funding, more tools, more training, and more staffing.  Most people have no idea at all the incredible results of community policing and school resource officers on young people.  Yet Dem school boards are canceling those contracts.  Yes – Dem school boards.  Believe me – we want police to have more tools, to give them more options before lethal ones.  But Biden supports defunding – I have the video clip.  He supports taking away things like armored vehicles from SWAT.  I have that one, too.

  • I am voting against lying, cheating, and corruption:  Look no further than Adam Schiff.  “I have seen the evidence of collusion” – On many networks, over 3 years. Now we know that was a total lie, and he even knew there was nothing there BEFORE the Mueller investigation started.  During the impeachment he broke House rules and didn’t allow certain witnesses, etc.  And he was never sanctioned, hand-slapped, nothing. 
  • I am against more lying, cheating, and corruption:  Tell me why Biden got his son into the Navy on a waiver – in his late 30s.  Only to then be discharged for cocaine use 2-3 years later.  Then he took him on Air Force 2 to China – where Hunter was suddenly was given $1.5 BILLION dollars by the Chinese gov’t to invest in US companies.  And then he was appointed board member of a corrupt Ukraine company, and when it was investigated, Joe threatened the gov’t to fire the prosecutor – or get no US loan guarantees. 
  • I am voting against racism:  Dem District Attorneys applying the law disproportionately.  Case:  Ferguson, where DA and the Obama Justice Department all went after the officer, only to find he was totally in the right, was totally exonerated, but by then they had ruined his life completely.  Baltimore officers charged in death of black suspect in custody – jury found all tried not guilty.   The Jesse Smollett case, where he was found to have fabricated the whole “white supremacist attack and noose” and charged with a felony – the DA dismissed the charges against him.  St. Louis prosecutor going after homeowner with video showing they were being threatened – charging them with felonies, and charging ZERO rioters with a crime.  NYC – now eliminating bail requirement, releasing bad people back on the streets immediately; multiple cases of murders now on the books as those assailants went out to clean up their own witness lists pre-trial.  And through all of this, most arrested protestors and rioters are released and charges dropped by those DAs.  
  • I am voting against free speech censorship:  Colleges and Universities are top of the list here, but if a slightly-right voice is in a crowd these days, they are at risk of being attacked.  Seriously – attacked.  You wonder why gun sales are at record levels? 
  • I am voting against personal and crony enrichment.  This is not Trump and the tax plan – I have asked for anyone to tell me one – just one – billionaire Trump friend he has enriched.  Crickets.  Most billionaires are dems because free programs and increased taxes mean nothing to them – they could care less what it costs; it’s not even to the scale of pocket change to them.  So, they don’t mind sticking those programs’ costs on the backs of all of us, and then looking good.
  • I am voting against corruption from the last administration.  Now that we know FISA warrants were purposely altered to lie to courts to surveil Trump staff (that FBI lawyer just plead guilty 2-3 weeks ago), and FBI agents were instructed to set up other Trump transition staff.  This was known by Obama and Biden, and they were briefed in the Oval on it. 
  • I am voting against a double standard.  This one is huge.  What appalls most republicans is this:  Why aren’t all of us alarmed, outraged, and speaking out against all of the things I mention above?  You think we’re divided right now?  Yes – we are – when this double standard exists.  You will crucify Trump, but these other cases you ignore if it means getting him out.  All republicans may not like him – but they will back him because of the unbelievable, incredibly unfair war that has been waged on him.

There is a swamp – and Biden restores it. 

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148