May 2020 – When it’s no longer Conspiracy Theory, now what?

This has been an exceeding busy week in the news.  Not in all news outlets, of course, and the level of mis-information I have watched is at its normal astounding level.  Imagine reading actual documents and transcripts of sworn testimony, then turning on the CNN and MSNBC broadcasts that completely mislead on the context of those statements?  I watched that happen this week.  It occurred to me why:  Most Americans will never go actually read the documents and transcripts, so they take the word of the report of their preferred national outlet.  Even some of my overseas friends get caught in the same trap…

So, what would someone, in the absence of emotion (and that part is critical in the analysis), reasonably assess after all the information that has been released and unclassified this week in Washington?  What would they think?  And as the special prosecutor marches on, what will they continue to think?

Here’s an interesting set of facts from this week you might find interesting:

The DNI (Director of National intelligence) told the House Intelligence Committee that they must release the transcripts of previous sworn testimony they received from the Obama-era senior officials, all relating to Russia collusion by Trump and his campaign.  If they (Schiff) wouldn’t, the DNI would.  Reason:  None of the information compromised national security.  It was held by Adam Schiff (D-CA), the committee chair, until now.  What did those transcripts reveal?  Simply put, that the committee received actual sworn testimony from all of those sources that no evidence of collusion existed.  This is before the Mueller investigation was even started, and before Schiff went on national television, several times (I saw 9 replayed recently), to feed the media flat-out lies that he had received and was in possession of evidence of collusion.  There’s a lot more, but the net is this:  He lied.  Repeatedly.  And many of my friends ate it up because it played to the narrative.

So many witnesses, including Evelyn Farkas, an Obama deputy assistant defense secretary, who admitted under oath that she flat-out lied on MSNBC in March, 2017 when she stated she had evidence of collusion.  She is now running for congress, of course, in the NY 17th district.  Surprised?

Oh, but there’s more.

General Michael Flynn – who pled guilty to lying to the FBI about a call with the Russian Ambassador during the administration transition – has now had all charges dropped by the DOJ.  Of course, the Big 5 networks and the democrat legislators screamed “collapse of the Justice Department” and “Trump’s  pawns” and even Democrat Representative Omar calling it “racism”.  Wow.  Really?  This from Omar who is currently under investigation for marrying her brother to illegally get him into America from their former Somali home.  But putting that all aside, they say all of this because they know most of us who hate Trump beyond all reason won’t go actually read the order and the legal basis.  They won’t dig in to find out that it was Obama-appointed attorneys and investigators in the DOJ that wrote the dismissal order.  They won’t dig even further to see that Flynn was originally cleared of any wrong-doing by the FBI agents, and then Peter Strzok, a section chief at the FBI (and Jim Comey), kept the investigation open to frame him; and now newly-released hand-written notes from the FBI leaders show they were trying to set Flynn up.  The notes actually show that – and it’s caused a big uproar in Washington.  The special prosecutor (also Obama-appointed) has now also found that the FBI not only set up Flynn, they skipped protocol by not advising the new administration that they wanted to interview him, they previously tapped his phones, they advised him to not get legal counsel (unless he wanted more charges), and they threatened Flynn’s son, all to get a confession that wasn’t accurate.  They ran Flynn to near bankruptcy, he had to sell his house to pay attorneys, etc.  This, all because he was another Obama appointee a few years earlier who disputed Obama’s story on the fate of ISIS to a House subcommittee and was then fired by Obama, until Trump re-hired him.

Did I fail to mention that Sally Yates, Obama’s Deputy Attorney General, also testified in those transcripts that Obama talked about the Flynn spying in an oval office meeting in 2016, and her words were that she was “shocked” that he knew of the wire tapping?  Jim Comey had kept her in the dark – she was his superior, and she also didn’t know about the surveillance until that meeting with Obama.  To this day Obama’s office flat-out denied it, until these transcripts came out … And now his office is quiet.

Wait.. there’s even more.

Biden’s sex assault allegation from Tara Reade is still drumming up more corroboration from several places from years ago.  Friends and even her ex-husband are all saying that they were aware of this going back decades.  She didn’t name them or ask them to come forward; they came on their own.  Even court documents from 1993 mention her sexual assault allegation.  Contrast this to the Kavanaugh confirmation, where Christine Blassey Ford named witnesses that all – yes, all – denied any knowledge she said they had, with her also having no confirmation of place or time, etc.  Yet she was believed by dems, and the media ate it up.  Biden is now getting a total pass from those same elected officials and Hollywood.  Biden – who has been shown lying on camera even as far back as 30 years ago (he said he “exaggerates” when he gets angry).  The same Biden who was appointed by Obama to head the Campus Sexual Assault initiative, which severely lowered the standard for proof necessary to prove an assault on a woman… essentially making the presumption of guilt dominant over the presumption of innocence for the first time in history.   This actually caught up several young men in an Ohio university no long ago, to where they were assumed guilty and faced major consequences and backlash, effectively ruining their collegiate lives.  And then they were cleared of wrong-doing when several witnesses came forward and more facts were exposed in the investigation.  But it was too late for them, and now that university has recently financially settled with those former students.  Biden started that – and now he goes nowhere near that standard.  

And let’s not forget the “CBS This Morning” news program that was caught staging fake lines of cars for Covid-19 testing in Michigan this week at a hospital.  Yes – they even pulled workers from the hospital to help stuff the line with cars (there was almost no line at the time).  They got it on camera and from a hospital worker, and was later corroborated by the hospital CEO.  This after CBS was caught last month using tape of an overflowing hospital ward in Italy and representing it as a ward in New York City.  They later apologized.

So, when it’s factual transcripts and documents, and actual footage, and statements of apology for inappropriate actions, etc., when does the label of “conspiracy theory” actually change to “true”?  For many of my friends the answer is, “well the other side does it, too”.  Okay.  Show me where the government has done this to the other side?  Seriously – when have republicans used the power of the DOJ and FBI to frame someone (a rival) and to lie on FISA warrants and sent people to jail illegally?  When have they carried a deliberate, obvious legal double standard?  When have they gotten the media to carry actual proven fake news?  Seriously, I am looking for specific examples – I need your help.

Let me ask a question:  I hear over and over that “Trump helps his billionaire friends with tax cuts and favors”.  Can someone tell me one friend (even if only a lowly millionaire) that has been the recipient of this?  One actual, documented friend that Trump specifically sought out to enrich financially, as is claimed?  He does have some billionaire friends, but they really only are noted for holding fundraisers for him.  I have a list of democrat dirty direct recipients – happy to compare notes going back to at least Clinton era.  Unions and Hollywood are plastered over much of it. 

The sad fact is, however, that pretty much all the other billionaires out there are actually democrats, and they don’t even like Trump.  Gates, Bezos, Bloomberg, Steyer, Marcus, Walton, Doerr, Brin, Schmidt, Sheth, Jobs, Synstrom, etc.  All billionaires, all democrats.  All anti-Trump.

There’s even more, but I’ll stop there for now, and instead pose a question to consider:  Knowing that most, if not all, of my anti-evil-orange-one friends will grasp for any way they can to ignore what continues to be exposed, and seeing that these guys are frankly as corrupt as it gets – and they stand to retake power in 2021 – what would they say if…. It was a different republican that sat in the oval office today?  Say, Jeb Bush or John Kasich?  That takes the hate out of the conversation – those guys are mild-mannered, non-asses and just not the street fighter Trump is.  Had all of this had happened to them, and all of this factual (note I say factual, not alleged) information on blatant corruption was being exposed now, what would your reaction be?

One more important opinion from my side:  My democrat friends are solid people.  It’s the people that get into power and then abuse it to attack others that are the problem.  And there’s a lot of them.

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148