Jan 2020 – The Bidens and Ukraine High Crimes

Should there be a senate impeachment trial?  If we can call these guys to determine if Trump was right in having the Bidens investigated – yes.  Absolutely.  Nobody, political foe or not, is immune from wrong-doing.  Everyone is so happy to lynch Trump – but a look in their own backyard is increasingly in order, it appears.

In my last post we talked about Alexandra Chalupa and the DNC and a completely proven collusion that is being ignored by Washington Dems (and their loyalists) and the Big 5 media, and a mysterious black ledger that appeared out of nowhere via Chalupa in the Ukraine, then suddenly it appeared in the NYT (Michael Isikoff), then to Nellie Ohr (Fusion GPS), then to her husband in the FBI – all in clear (yet ignored) violation of US Codes and Statutes.  But while all this evidence of wrong-doing has been exposed, a lot more showed up along the way – about the Bidens and their colleagues.  And where are the Big 5 in this?  ABC, CNN, NBC, CBS, MSNBC – all absent.  But the story is emerging.  And I would very much appreciate answers to the questions it raises.

As I dive in, let me first introduce a few names.  They may get a little confusing, so we’ll identify them now for later reference:

  1. Pres. Poroshenko – former Ukraine president who was Joe’s buddy, the recipient of many calls from Joe, and was beaten soundly by Zelensky (new president) this last year.
  2. Andrii Telizhenko – Ukrainian diplomat, advisor to Prosecutor General, advisor to Prime Minister
  3. Mikaela Okhendovsky head of Ukraine central election commission
  4. Andrii Artemenko – Critic of Poroshenko, elected to Ukraine parliament several times, later stripped of Ukraine citizenship by Poroshenko
  5. Viktor Shokin – Prosecutor General fired by Poroshenko at the behest of Biden
  6. Yuri Lutsenko – replacement to Shokin, hand-picked by Biden.  Wait till you hear about him later on.
  7. Constantine Kuliak – Independent counsel for Ukraine.
  8. Andrii Derkash – 7x elected to Ukraine parliament, manages “NABUleaks” website exposing NABU corruption.  Wait till you hear who drives NABU.
  9. NABU – National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine.  Created by the US!

Let’s also note that most of these people have recently been denied a visa for US entry by the US State Department – all have been asked to provide testimony to (GOP) congressional leaders and DOJ (and other) investigators, but they can’t get here to do it.  More about that later.

The tangled web woven in all of this is worthy of a B-movie script in Hollywood.  But let’s lay out some facts that are now known to be true, due to a lot of investigative work by several people who have had to go overseas to get to the information and the witnesses, mostly on camera with documented evidence.  Lots of attempts have been made to keep these guys silent – Artemenko had his citizenship stripped; he and a couple others (including Telizhenko) in the list have been labeled by the media as “Russian spies” – all of those now debunked; Shokin was mercury-poisoned after being forced out of office – now being treated in Vienna for levels 4.5x above toxic levels and barely able to walk; etc.

Cutting to the chase, let’s tell the story mostly through a timeline:

Feb, 2014:  Biden named by Obama as Ukraine point man.

May, 2014:  Hunter Biden named to Burisma board.  Salary – $50K-$100K/mo.  Zero prior energy expertise.

Summer, 2014:  Shokin opens (first) Burisma investigation.  Hunter and Devon Archer (his business partner, also a Burisma board member) specifically named.  It seems there was extortion, money laundering, and the Oligarch founder (Lovshevski) was also awarding contracts to his own company and his buddies, getting money on the backend, all through his gov’t-appointed position managing energy for .. Ukraine.

Jan, 2015:  Burisma founder named “fugitive of the state” and flees Ukraine.  Later in 2015 Hunter and Devon then go to meet with Tony Blinken, Deputy Sec of State, about the matter – they do NOT register as foreign agents.  Remember – this is what got Paul Manafort indicted.  But not Hunter or Devon.  Lindsay Graham has subpoenaed these records.

Early 2016:  Investigations progress, Poroshenko told by Biden to fire Shokin.  Poroshenko goes to Shokin and tells him to “slow down” on the investigations because Biden is becoming quite angry.

Mar, 2016:  Biden tells Poroshenko the $1B in loan guarantees from the US will be withheld if Shokin isn’t fired (this will cause Ukraine to default on other financial obligations).  Shokin again approached by Poroshenko and told “that if he is a patriot” he must stop or be forced to resign. 

7 days later Shokin is fired.

2 days later Biden arrives in Ukraine to announce loan guarantees.

2 weeks later Biden calls Poroshenko with name of new Prosecutor General to be named.  Yuri Lutsenko.  Almost all cases closed after he took office.

*Fun fact* – Lutsenko has no, I mean ZERO, legal training.  He is an engineer by trade.  He was part of the militias fighting the Russian invasion and spent some time in jail.  And he turned out to be a bit of a hawk on corruption, much to Biden’s dismay, and was also fired – and now is being investigated for abuse of power, which he denies and has strong supporting evidence thus far.

*Another fun fact*:  Lutsenko, before he too was fired, had several meetings with Maria Yovanovich – former US Ambassador to Ukraine, recalled by Trump and star witness in impeachment as the “victim”, and George Kent, Deputy Asst Sec of State.  Lutsenko, denied a US visa to come testify, has testified in Europe, under oath, that Yovanovich gave him a list of 3 names that were part of NABU to be considered “untouchables” – Kasko, Leshchenko, and Shabunin – NABU leaders.  He tore the list up, and she apparently stormed out of his office and refused to meet with him ever again.  She flat-out denied this during the impeachment inquiry.

Around this time an independent prosecutor– Constantine Kuliak – was appointed to continue investigations Yovanovich got closed by firing Shokin.  So, what did he do after reviewing everything?  He announced he was re-opening the Burisma cases.  Guess what – HE got fired within hours of that announcement, too!  Keeping up with all of this????

Did you know that during the Shokin days, George Kent wrote the charter and legislation for NABU, a new 3rd party NGO (Non-Government Organization), formed under money sponsored by George Soros (Amazon) for Ukraine, and Poroshenko drove the legislation through quickly?  Did you know it then allowed NABU to remove most of the investigations from the Prosecutor Generals’ office completely, and NABU would retain jurisdiction?  Did you know that during this time Lutsenko gave 16 newspaper interviews about what his office was investigating and only one ran even part of the story?  Did you know that after he refused Yovanovich’s request to fire several of his deputies and close certain investigations, he himself was fired shortly thereafter?

But it gets even more complicated:  All together the Ukraine Prosecutor General’s office, under Shokin and then Lutsenko, traced over $7 BILLION dollars of money being stolen from Ukraine and ending up traced and laundered to Franklin Templeton investments in California?  Lutsenko wanted DOJ help going after it (as did Shokin), and Yovanovich testified she never saw it and knew nothing about it, and the Embassy and State Department never received the request.  Problem:  Lutsenko has shown, on camera, the letter as stamped and signed and received by the United States legal attaché, as required, at her embassy.

Did you know that Shokin sent the SAME request to NABU and then the US embassy – Helena Yovenyanova – and after that he got fired and his family was then investigated themselves by NABU?   All 2 weeks before Joe arrived to give Ukraine money?

*Fun fact*:  Adam Schiff (and several others in the California delegation) is a significant investor in Franklin Templeton.  Look it up.  Big 5 sure aren’t concerned.

*Another fun fact*:  Right before Shokin was fired, he was given a communique from the government of Latvia, warning him of a large money-laundering scheme, directly naming Hunter Biden and Devon Archer and other Burisma associates, which is why he would not close the cases and was then fired.  Follow along with what Latvia discovered:

1.  Burisma would loan millions to a Latvian company, “Wirelogic”, who would then loan millions to a Cyprus company called “Digitech” who would then turn around and pay Burisma board members directly for “Board Fees”.  Money now officially laundered. In one example alone over $3M was traced directly to Hunter.

2.  $14.7 million of this cash was traced DIRECTLY to Hunter Biden and Devon Archer.  This is in clear violation of Money Laundering, Tax Evasion, and Illegal Enrichment statutes.  In fact, Joe’s attempts to get Shokin fired on top of all of this culminated to a legal opinion by the counsel for the Ukraine Parliament that said Joe himself was guilty of coercion and corruption under their law.

All together the Ukraine Prosecutor General had traced over $16.5M, through over 18 months and 300 pages of Morgan Stanley bank statements, getting laundered and going directly to Hunter, via Rosemont Seneca (he and Devon’s firm).

Big 5?  Anyone?  Anywhere?  Where is the outrage?  Is there any if it doesn’t say “Trump”?  See any hypocrisy?  Any?

And through all of this isn’t it interesting that:

  • Eric Sharmala, former Obama NSC advisor who traveled with Biden and was fired later by the Trump Whitehouse for “sabotaging documents” is now working for Adam Schiff?
  • Joe himself is now being quietly looked at in a Ukraine investigation for his receipt of $900K for “consulting fees”, by Burisma?

To my friends on the non-Trump side:  This is NOT a case of supporting Trump.  This is a case of equally applying the same standards that seem to be going after him time and again.  That is the outrage.  Not that it’s attacking him, but that it’s giving ALL these other players a hall pass via our very own government.  Where evidence clearly exists!  That is where the corruption is clearly, obviously and blatantly apparent – yet it gets ignored by the Big 5 and all the people who simply have one mindset:  Hate Trump.

Remember when Trump made the outlandish remark before being elected that he could “go out on 5th avenue and shoot someone and probably get away with it”?  Guess what – these other guys really could.  And would you care or notice?  Thoughts to ponder.

John Brooks
John Brooks
Articles: 148